I would like YOUR HONEST opinion people.

Is this wee girl's outfit HIDEOUS???

ABOVE:  I have bought three of these outfits for three little Granddaughter's birthday's this year.  
I sent Emily her's this week (her Birthday is today), it was received and this was the response apparently:

*Hey Chris, thought you would like to see this:

 "So it's the thought that counts, that's fine but seriously, if your not gona make an effort, maybe just don't waste your money and a card will be just fine. 

COMMENT: Amanda: Ems birthday tomorrow, she got a parcel this mornin, that's fine but the present, well lets just say, that person should know WAY better than that. Funnily enough they did the same thing at Xmas for Liam, do I send them back or give them away? My kids will never ever wear them"

The above arrived (as a comment) from an anonymous person on my blog, who felt the need to send it to me.  I don't know if I'm happy about that, because it hurt a lot to know how she felt about my gift to Emily. 

Emily, who WE adore and have not seen since October.  Looks like we won't be seeing her, her infant brother or big brothers for a very long time.

Seems we are negative, evil people.

OH and for the record:  SEND THE GIFT BACK THANKS, before you throw it in the bin.

EDIT:  I FORGOT Amanda did not like Orange.  I don't like orange either, but I thought this little outfit was really cute.

2nd EDIT:  I would NOT have put this on my public blog normally, but after EVERYTHING ELSE Amanda has done to our family over the past YEAR ... she had it coming!  I could no longer let my readers think she was a nice daughter... when clearly she isn't.  She has done so much damage that almost EVERYONE in our family NO LONGER wants to know her.

KARMA is a bitch, and we hope it bites her in the arse real soon. 

MOVING ON... because that is all I can do...

Bex, Dante, Lacy, Keera and I are going to Sylvia Park today.  It is Keera's access visit with her father today.

Bex and Lacy will go girly shopping with Dante while Keera sees her father.

THEN after that, we are meeting up with Lynda for lunch.  

We have agreed NOT to talk about food or weight related issues cos we really don't get on if we do THAT!  lol
*sorry Lynda, just sayin' how it is*  *smiles*
I think we will be clucking over babies somehow!  

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING EMILY, we love you no matter what.  Love Grandma and Grandad H.


JO:  IF it comes back I will send it to you!  Thanks.

Point taken... it was nasty of me to 'talk' about this here.  But... and you have to know there is a BUT... I was livid, and there has been so much hurt dealt out to ME and others in this house in the past year, I really, really wanted to hit back.


And as MY BLOG is the way I choose to vent, there ya have it!  PUBLIC?  To fucking right.  

I know it is immature.  I know it is mean.  I know it is setting a bad example.

Fuck, I'm not stupid.

But I am human.

And MY GOD she had it coming.

There is no point me trying to talk to her about all she has done... because in her eyes she has done NO WRONG.  (oh and there is the little problem with her REFUSING to answer her phone when she sees it's me on the line).

Would you like it if you couldn't see your own grandchildren without an express invite?  Without them saying 'YES' then taking it back while accusing you of MAYBE....

- Swinging their baby around by it's legs!
- Throwing it up in the air!
- Or WORSE, Pinning it on the clothes line and then swinging it around???

Thanks for THAT Andrew.  Yep, that really, really hurt.

HOW would you like that thrown at you???

LIKE WE WOULD EVER do that to a baby or any kid for that matter!

Because there is a very long history of behavior dealt out to ME and Steve, Bex, Lacy AND Stew ... I am not going to go on and on about all the  other things Amanda has said and done.... just know this was not a random, left field attack on my Daughter.

It was my way of showing her how much she has hurt US and FUCKING PISSED ME OFF.  

Last Straw.... last VENT about that daughter of mine.  I have no intention of PLAYING ANY MORE GAMES with Amanda as someone so eloquently put it.

This is no game.  It's my life.  And it has sucked for a very long time.  Doing this was like me drawing a line in the sand.  Now we can all move on, knowing where we all stand.

Amanda has no idea what she has done... or what she is denying her children. 
We are actually FANTASTIC Grandparents.  And I can say that because WE BLOODY WELL ARE.

And I have taken the HIGHER GROUND for too bloody long, it was CHOKING ME.  I feel so much better now.

Anyone who doesn't like it... that is your problem, not mine.  


The visit with Keera's father went well.  Bex and Lacy shopped for fabric at Spotlight, then Bex, Dante, Keera and I had lunch with Lynda and her 1 year old Grandson.
We had a lovely hour or so together, then off home we went.

NOW... I'm going to sit down and just relax for a while.

Let me SINS sink in.  Cos I do feel a bit bad for having aired dirty linen on here.  
Bad - YES  ...   Regretful - NO

I am very happy to say that today's shit storm HAS NOT sent me head first into the pantry.
HOURS and HOURS with a psychologist has been so worth it.  I may still have 'KNEE JERK' reactions SOMETIMES, but I put that down to  ongoing PROVOCATION.  

My will to lose weight and be fit and healthy again is still SO VERY STRONG.

I want to live long enough to see my grandkids when they are adults... adults who give me GREAT-GRANDKIDS one day.  

EDIT: apologies on her surname being on here, I totally missed that fact... and it has been rectified now.

Dinner tonight:  some interestingly flavoured sausages (Pork/Apple/Sage & Chicken/Tarragon), accompanied by potato wedges, and green veges.
I'm quite looking forward to it too... I'm rather hungry... but thankfully I haven't got the shakes this afternoon.  Not sure why.  But it's good.

End of Day:  Looking forward to tomorrow.  I'm done with today.
nite nite


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