Right, let's go with PIZZA first!
Here is one of the pizzas I made last night for dinner:
ABOVE: a bit 'crispy' on the edges, but really nice! No one said 'IKKKK' so they tasted nice too. I had ONE piece with some salad.
After dinner I watched Criminal Minds then popped down to the garage to sew a couple of cot sheets for Dante. I got one totally finished, and there is one left to finish today. Plus one more to make after that.
ABOVE: rather cute this one! So easy to whip them up ... and nice to actually be sewing again.
So, the plan for today is finish 3-4 cot sheets, then I want to sit down and read some blogs.
I have been rather negligent lately and feel very guilty.
I also want to plan a few lunch time meals... as it's the one meal of the day that I'm probably going to struggle with more than any other.
I'm so used to having a sandwich or two, and while I am NOT cutting out bread altogether, I do want to cut down.
Everything in MODERATION is my motto. Healthy, balanced and tasty ... how I want my meals to be.
I will not last long if I try to eat shit I don't like! Don't mention TUNA, or I'm likely to run a mile!
(yeah, as if I could RUN) ha ha ha!
Stew and I were talking in bed the other night, as ya do... and I said I didn't want to say I was on a 'DIET' ... cos that can do ya head in... and he suggested we could call what we are doing a 'Weight Management Plan'.
Not bad, not bad at all.
It's not a Diet, it's not a Lifestyle Change, it's a WMP.
So, our WMP is to eat healthy, watch portions, include all food groups, keep 'unhealthy foods' to a bare minimum and just enjoy life. Don't act like one is on a DIET, cos then we are sure to fail. Just change things slowly, and slowly we will see the right results.
OMG I can't wait for my next blood test! (I can't believe I just said that!). I'm hoping it will show some improvement in me blood sugars and cholesterol levels, and maybe my blood pressure will have gone down too? Who knows.
Right: give me lunch ideas girls!
Change of plans, we are off for a walk in the gardens! Bex suggested it cos it's an overcast day, perfect for walking.
See ya later...
Walk done... and it was lovely, but hot, even though it was overcast. By the time we got back to the car Bex and I were both dripping with sweat. NOT a good look ... lol!
I'm now preparing to make sushi for dinner...
Done. Three BIG plates full of sushi ... all ready for dinner.
ABOVE: all ready for dinner, and it only took 80 minutes or so. It did get done faster as Bex did a lot of the preparation for me.
Best thing, Dante stayed asleep long enough for us to get it done too.
End of Day: and dinner is eaten, everyone loved my sushi. Lacy ate her's in the car on her way home... she said she didn't expect it to be nice! But she had eaten the lot even before I got her and Keera home... seems it was DELICIOUS! Nice to know.
I thought my rice was too stodgy and sticky... not sure how to change that?
Time to get off the computer, I've been reading blogs all afternoon! I shall visit just a few more later on tonight (All the PRIVATE ones), then call it a day.
nite nite.
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