salmon and blue

sorry its been a while... may has been travelling around europe.. i'm sure she'll be adding photos from geneva, milan, paris, madrid and barcelona. i know eh? lucky her! and.. my excuse was working on a deadline, and then "recovering" afterwards. so these next few photos technically are from when my parents were still in vancouver.

salmon pasta

so in an effort to save money and eat pantry food.. i made this pasta up.. using some left over celery, onion, black olives and a can of salmon! canned roma tomatoes that i diced up too.. and voila!

salmon pasta

i was hoping for some canned clams or something too.. but it was tasty enough =] oh.. and i put lots of basil and fresh parsley. and then i crumbled some spicy calbrese slices that i crisped up on the pan.

blue cheese bourisin

and then i found out recently that i'm the only one in my family that likes blue cheese. for some reason i thought my mom would be on board.. but nope.. its just me. on the left is bourisin cheese spread that fraser introduced me to many years ago.. and on the right is roseburg blue cheese with some honey drizzled on top. of course the ultimate flatbread cracker underneath. woot!

oh guess what? May's coming home tomorrow!! wuhoo!! her flight originally was supposed to be today, but it got overbooked so she had to stay over an extra night, boo!! =\ the good news is she got a nice fat cash compensation that personally think made it worth it.. but don't tell that to a lady when all she wants is to come home =] I can't wait to see her!


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