First thing today, we are going to the mall to post some cards to a lovely lady in the South Island, she's taking them overseas with her to give with gifts.... hee hee... getting orders from girls who read me blog is quite exciting!

If anyone wants some of my wee gift cards, they are $3 each.... or you can pay $5 in the shop! lol

What else? Ummm... dunno. Probably come home and sew, or do some friggin housework... it never sleeps.

Coco must be teething really bad right now... she will chew ANYTHING if it's not tied down or too high for her to reach! Every time I turn around she's got something else in her gob... and there is always a trail of chewed up bits all over me floors. Twigs, leaves, stones, bits of wood, me cane basket, innards out of stuffed toys... you name it! And yes, she has even got a toilet roll of paper and had a go at that. Grrrrrrrr.

The thing is, she's so bloody cute I can't get mad at her...

ABOVE: two new fabrics I just bought... for cards.

Also got myself two new pairs of jeans... no photo.. jeans are just that ... JEANS. One's blue, one's black.

The kids just had a silly-buggar lunch of custard, fruit and... CHOCOLATE. LOL... they thought it was neat. Still blackmailing them to be good.... and it's still working!
ABOVE: Yesterday I bought a new border cutter thingee... and it's gorgeous! I did the last few cards using it.
.... not been doing much else this afternoon yet... feeling tired for some reason.
End of Day: I was going to read and comment on blogs all night... but I have just spent an hour or so commenting on just ONE blog... and now feel kind of defensive about being fat and useless... and unfit... so I am going to stop before I leave any more comments that may be taken the wrong way. In this mood I am likely to offend someone! Back tomorrow in a better mood. nite nite.


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