I was going to show you my new Cuttlebug Die! It's going to become one of my favourites I am sure.

ABOVE: there it is. You can use it three ways... as above... and then you can mix 'n' match the seperate 'bits' like this:

ABOVE AND BELOW: I have used different colourways to enhance the heart design... just LOVE it!

Obvioulsy you could just use one part of the heart too.... but I think it looks so much nicer using the contrasting colours. What do YOU think?

AND did you notice I had used ORANGE? Doesn't it look smashing? I like orange in some settings... maybe just not ON ME! lol

Don't have any plans for today... apart from NOT wanting to throttle me kids! lol
There is a good side to school holidays.... I stayed in bed until 8.30 am! I think Stew told the kids to be VERY QUIET before he left for work.... I am not feeling all crabby and ready to throttle them! Yaaaa. It is a VERY wet day out there... so we are not going anywhere. I shall make more cards... I want to get this latest batch finished so I can get back to my patchwork!

My sister-in-law suggested I start making 'Christmas' Themed cards ready for Christmas sales too.... so at some point I will hunt around for suitable materials for them. It's so neat having lots to do.... no time to get bored or lonely.

Remember the Jellybeans? Well they are coming in very handy! I am blackmailing the kids into being good and quiet... by giving them a few every hour, on the hour! WORKS FOR ME! (I know, I'm evil)
ABOVE: look what arrived in the mail! A red showercap for my bathroom... from Blondie! What a tart... a lovely TART I might add... Thanks Chick! It did make me laugh.
I've been busy... vacuming and washing floors.. my usual Monday job. Now I just have to stop Coco from pee'ing on it! Grrrrrrr.
End of Day: cooked a lovely dinner .. pork chops, bacon, potatoes with cheese and veges. Was bloody nice too. Spent the evening card making... have made over 100 in the past few days! nite nite.


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