As I mentioned the other day, I had a Skype conversation with Russell (eldest Son) and Tess his partner the other night, and got lots of snapshots of Sienna, our youngest grandchild...

I just have to share!  She is just so beautiful...

ABOVE:  sorry for posting so many, but I simply could not narrow it down to just two or three nice ones!

TODAY:  definitely picking up the Holden Viva for Stew today.
Then we are heading over to Onehunga Dressmart to find shorts for Stew and Black work pants for Steve.
No doubt have lunch over there too...


ABOVE: we are now the proud owners of a Holden Viva.  NOT named Kermit.  *sigh*... no one wants that name but me... so we have to choose another one.  Maybe it will just be called 'The Viva'.. how bloody original.  pfffffft.

Anyway, after buying the car we went over to Onehunga, where I got some summer clothes and Stew got some shorts.  Steve found only one pair of good black pants for work, so we stopped in at Farmers in Manukau on the way home for another pair.
Oh, and we had the most AWESOME lunch at a restaurant in Mission Bay....

ABOVE:  from Masala Restaurant, a Tandoor platter.  We shared a platter (OMG it was delicious) then we all had Butter Chicken... the guys had medium and I had mild.  AND that was fantastic too!    Totally stuffed for the rest of the afternoon now... but it was worth it!

Off now to toss the chicken that is marinating in a Teriyaki marinade for dinner.  NOT that I can even contemplate dinner right now.

ABOVE:  there is nothing like dinner by candlelight... no power sucks, at least the dinner was cooked before we lost power.  I missed the start of Coronation Street!  

ABOVE:  see the big black area?  That's where WE live. 

Luckily it wasn't out for too long,  as neither kid likes going to sleep in the dark. 

End of Day: a really neat day in all.  
nite nite.


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