They have freaking teeth now...

ABOVE:  I sit in the pen with them often, and they use my toes as teething bones!

ABOVE:  now that they have baby teeth coming through, it's not that much fun for me!    But they are all so damn adorable I really don't mind... too much.

ABOVE:  Chico, (formerly Pinky) is just so sociable!   The minute I get in the pen she is in my face.... and wee Tulip, behind her is a friendly wee girl too.

ABOVE: Chico getting a tummy rub.  They all love a good tummy rub.

ABOVE:  Up close and personal with Chico.  She has such soulful eyes.

TODAY:  off to work at the Hospice Shop.
Stew is back to work... and today is Steve's last day as an unemployed guy!  He starts work tomorrow!

It was wonderful at work today!  Mrs Smelly Pants was away sick.  So I worked the counter by myself, which was lovely!
I found only two treasures at the shop today:

ABOVE:   one treasure was this shallow muffin pan, perfect for feeding the pups!  The other thing I won't put on the blog right now as I want Stew to see if first.

ABOVE:  this is where both Coco and Teddy sit and watch the puppy's all day!  
Last night the puppy's were making a lot of noise playing with each other and Teddy growled at them... so I'm not too sure how he will be once they are all running around in his 'territory'.... I think we will have to keep a very close eye on him.

Right, off to make some lunch for Steve and I...

Too funny!  When we took our vacum cleaner down for repair, the technician (a Korean Man) came out and said in very bad english " Maybee it bwoke?  I fix tomorrow"... 
So, Steve went down this afternoon to get it as it was ready ... and the same man came out from the back with our machine and said "It not bwoke now, gorbye"... Steve could hardly contain his laughter apparently.

I just heard from Fred at Harvey Norman's ... after ONLY 5 days he has our new lounge suite!!!    He is going to deliver it on Friday... I am gobsmacked!  Talk about excellent service. That Fred is a miracle worker.  I am going to give him a gift pack of my cards as a 'Thank You' from me. He deserves to be thanked for all he's done for us.  AND having to put up with me!  lol

End of Day:  another day done and dusted. Looking forward to a spa soon, then bed.
nite nite.


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