You asked for Puppy photos, I give you one better, lots of gorgeous little videos!

ABOVE:  all 6 playing

ABOVE:  Bruiser (L), Tulip (middle), Rhino (R) and later on Chico feeding.

ABOVE: Someone getting stroppy!  Can't tell who it is!

ABOVE:  That is Chico getting stroppy with Steve!
ABOVE:  Hee hee, Jackie I did tell you Chico was full of spunk eh?  You have a little live wire coming your way soon.

TODAY: ?  Not sure yet.  It's supposed to be a crappy wet day, so maybe I can get the guys to do a bit of housework?
Like cleaning the bathrooms... Steve's response to my suggestion?  "FUCK NO... I am not doing housework on my day off" !

I'm gunna read blogs!  I do masses of housework during the week, it's MY day off too.


I got up at 7am, fed the puppy's, then sat down and started reading/commenting on blogs.
Stew and Steve slept in.
It is now 11.45am and I am still sitting in the lounge, in my nightie covered in a blankie... yikes!
Got to get up and pee!  Busting.  I suppose I will have a shower and get dressed too...

So, I had a shower etc... got dressed even!
Then I read some more blogs till about 2.30pm ... then I got stir crazy and suggested to Stew we go out and have an ice cream.  Funny thing is, we are so in tune... he was thinking the same thing!
We went down to Mission Bay and had a Movenpick ice cream, cos they are the best in the city!

 ABOVE: although it was wet, the sea still looked nice. 

ABOVE: usually on a sunday there is a queue right outside the door and around the corner at Movenpick!  None today... are we the only people who think Ice cream is just as nice on a cold, wet day?

It has rained on/off all day, lots of wind too... but boy that ice cream was nice!
Home again now, and Stew is cooking dinner tonight. 
Simple fare:  sausages, mashed potatoe and coleslaw.  Should be nice.

End of Day:  well dinner was nice as I expected.  Having a quiet evening ... might have a spa if it's not raining.   Catch ya tomorrow.
nite nite.


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