Check this out !...

ABOVE:  well... that silver fern is a darn sight bigger than mine!  That Hummer has been pimped out with the KIWI SILVER FERN in support of our All Blacks rugby team.   RUGBY WORLD CUP has started and the whole freakin country seems to have gone mad.  *sigh*

Last night was the very first game.   New Zealand ( the All Blacks) vs. Tonga
Oh by the way,  we won against Tonga.... 41 to 10.  

I feel very bad.  I have over 700 unread blog posts in my Google Reader list!  There is no way in hell I can read and comment on them all... so sometime over this weekend I am going to read the LATEST update from everyone on the list and delete the rest.  So Sorry, but life has been just too hectic lately, what with puppies, kids, housework, Speld, Gymnastics, Hospice, keeping MY Blog updated.... life is good but busy!  And there is just not enough time for everything... 

Hee hee, had to snigger to myself this morning as I lay in bed listening to Steve's alarm waking him up... he has to work today.   He's not bothered though as it means his first paycheck will be for 6 days....
I am thrilled as it means he can 'pay his own way' now.... and I will be getting 'board' from him too!  Yipee... more dollars in the kitty for me.

Stew is outside now sorting out all the packing that came with the lounge suite yesterday.  We are taking it down to the refuse centre sometime  today.  There sure is a lot of it!

Off now to hang out the washing, then I think we are going out.  It's a glorious day here today... not a cloud in the sky!

WE had a little outing, lunch out... picked up a new Leather Care Kit courtesy of Harvey Norman's.... then came home to do some housework.

ABOVE: as requested, more photos of the pups.  I took some cute little videos too, but Blogger isn't letting me upload them.  Pfffffft.

End of Day:  I had a quiet afternoon... while Stew did the gardening and mowed the lawns.  Having a nice quiet evening too... will check out some blogs soon...
nite nite


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