I can't believe the new replacement lounge suite is arriving today!
I am so relieved this saga is going to be over... and kind of apprehensive too, because the new suite is quite dark in colour.  I am hoping it doesn't make the room look too 'closed in'?

Apart from waiting for that to arrive, my day is empty!  So I should be able to catch up on my blog reading ... commenting... and maybe even some sewing!

Crikey dick,  I have done very little sewing lately... Christmas is around the corner and I AM NOT READY!  I want to make everyone something for Christmas that I have sewn.   I hope I manage it.

So, until I can show you photos of the new lounge suite...

ABOVE:  *sigh*.... try washing the floors with one of these in your hands!  NOT easy.  Kiba just would not settle down and sleep after breakfast this morning... he kept howling!  So I carried him around with me until he was asleep then put him with the rest of the pups.  
It reminded me so much of when I had babies... and had to do the exact same thing!  

I just got a phone call from the delivery company, the new lounge suite is arriving this afternoon between 1 and 3.... AWESOME.   Quite excited now....

Washing out, floors washed, prepared family room and lounge for new furniture... lots of vacuming involved... now going to have an early lunch as I'm knackered!

The delivery guys arrived early!  So, they took the old suite away and brought up the new... and left without unpacking any of it!  So, I had to... well I couldn't wait for my guys to get home could I???

 ABOVE:  bye bye old suite...

ABOVE:  I have to admit I was a bit miffed that the men did not do the unpacking... it was not that easy for me to lift that friggin couch up to get the wrapping off.

ABOVE:  the new lounge suite.. viewed from both ends of the lounge.  Well... what do ya think?  It's going to take me a while to adjust to the dark colour that's for sure.

ABOVE:   I haven't mentioned this have I?  That's because personally I don't give a shit about rugby... but Stew and the boys do... so they will be glued to the TV from now on... I think the World Cup lasts for 6? or 7 weeks.  OH YA.
End of Day:  well after saying I had NO interest in the Rugby World Cup I found myself watching the Opening Ceremony, which was Fantastic!   And now I'm amazing myself by watching the freakin game too!  So far we are leading by 29 to 3. 
nite nite.


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