Amanda reckons that pretty orange/pink dress will be fine for Emily to wear to 'muck around home in'!

I DON'T THINK SO!  It is far too pretty for that.  I am giving it to Sienna now.  Pfffffft.  Muck around home indeed.

I shall make Emily a Blue dress instead.

Today:  hmmmm.... might go out and about.  Take the kids to the movies maybe.  Must check out what's on....

ABOVE:  I just checked out what was on ... and I think we will go to see 'The Smurfs'!  Steve watched it last weekend and said it wasn't that bad, so I will probably not be bored to tears!  lol

I didn't go to Weight Watchers last night!  So I shall miss it this week... and go next week.  NO ICE CREAM for me today, I got on the scales this morning and they were up by half a kilo!  OOOops, not good. 


The movie:  out of a possible 10... the kids gave it a 10.  Me: 5.  I had to watch the Smurfs for YEARS when my big kids were small... so I didn't really think that much of the movie.   I even tried to have a nap during it.. but I couldn't get comfy!  Oh well..

Glad the kids enjoyed it though.  Shame it cost $50 just to get through the door.  Oh the fabric I could have got for $50!  *sniff*

I've got a ruddy huge chicken out for dinner, so roast chook tonight. 

Right now... I'm off to start a wee dress for Emily,  in BLUE...

ABOVE:  Done.  A BLUE dress for Emily.  It's nice.  I hope it isn't worn to 'just muck around the house in'.

End of Day: had a nice evening.  Got some blog reading done too, which was nice.
nite nite.


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