I'm sun burnt.
Enough said.

Today:  we will spend packing.
And doing a grocery grab so Steve won't starve while we are gone.

I'm a bit apprehensive  about keeping ON TRACK while on holiday.
You know how it can be... you are staying with other people, not in your own home, and don't have all your food at hand.  And travelling.  Eeekkk.

I am hoping like hell we do not slip up and have anything we shouldn't.  
We are staying with my friend Sandra C, who is also on a diet... and she's me ex-Weight Watcher's Leader... so all going well we will be OK.

I think it will come down to will power and careful planning for all eventualities.  We will do a grocery shop down in Palmy too, so there is food on hand we can have.

But it will be a test for sure.  

Right, enough yakkity yak... I need to get started on the washing, getting it all done before we go, breakfasts, shopping... bla bla bla.


Everyone is sunburnt in this house.  The sunblock we used... FAILED.  Miserably.  Griffin is almost as crabby as I am now.

It doesn't help that today is 'get the house clean and tidy'... cos no one feels like doing housework, least of all Griffin.
Anyone would think we had asked him to clean the toilets the way he is moaning and bitching.

Meanwhile, I've washed and hung out 3 loads of washing and folded 3 loads of washing from earlier in the week.  Next on me list is wash the floors.  

Stew?  Has done his exercise and had a shower. He will be getting his 'instructions' any second now.... cos I am getting pissed off.  Ahhh, no.  He will want his breakfast first.  THAT will take another half an hour.  And it's almost 11am FFS.

I just read this out to Stew, and he indignantly said "I've already had my breakfast"!   WHATEVER.

ABOVE:  wanted to show this for a while, keep forgetting.  It's the concrete walls on parts of our Auckland motorways.  How pretty!  

ABOVE: 'certain' people were complaining about having to look over the dining chairs to see the tv in the corner, so this morning I moved the table around... problem solved.

KAREN:  HOW interesting.... the sunblock Stew and the kids used was 'The Cancer Society' Brand.   I did not use any sunblock.. more fool me!  I am so used to just going brown I forgot that I have not been in the sun AT ALL this summer.  AND I just didn't feel hot yesterday! 

I reckon my hot flushes have desensitised me to heat!  Well, that's my excuse, and I will stick to it!  lol

Only... I'm not really laughing.  I'm sore.

I can't even wear me bra!  Now instead of me boobs being on dip all the time, they are on LOW BEAM!  Like... REALLY low beam.  *snigger*

We just bought a new sunblock while out grocery shopping.  It's a 50+ SPF, and works for 4 hours even in water.  So hopefully we won't get burnt again.  

MARY H:  true... smart arse!  *smiles*

End of Day:  well... the packing is sorta done.  Just have to throw the last minute things in the bags in the morning,  then we will be off.
ON TRACK:  still feeling fab!  Fat... but not gunna be by the end of this year... I am going to be so much happier by December this year!
nite nite


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