I bought myself some new black tights at the beginning of summer.  I wear them every day under me tops/dresses.  

Remember me saying I couldn't see a difference in me body yet (having lost almost 6 kilos so far this year)?  Well ... maybe I can tell?

ABOVE: this is what you can see on the 'outside'.....

ABOVE:  and, just under the 'surface' layer... the top of my tights now reach up to me armpits!  AND that is going up and OVER me ample boobs too!  lol

So, that is heartening eh?  I must be doing something right at last.
I am soooo looking forward to my next weigh in... cos I am really trying hard this week to be EXCELLENT.

I am avoiding bread/pasta and rice.  Still having a little potato now and then.  And Cakes.  *sniff*  NO CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, etc.... at all this week.  I can do this.

My biggest problem is still PORTION CONTROL.  It is so easy to serve yourself more than is necessary.  I have to keep remembering to use a SMALLER PLATE ... so I can't put as much on me plate!  
Small steps to a healthier me... but they take time, and I need to remember that.

TODAY:  I have to go out and get FISH BAIT!!! OMG, tomorrow we go fishing!  Now that is something to get excited about...    
the prospect of getting up at 5.30am tomorrow morning is NOT that exciting though.  lol
I am sure it will be worth it... right?
Now... just where the hell do I buy fish bait around here eh?  
dumm dee doo.... off to find out.


So, I've been out, bought a present for Emily's 1st Birthday, picked up me suitcase from repair and got some fish bait!   Ikkkk , forgot how fishy fish smells!  Derrr.  
I got it from the fresh fish shop in Manukau Mall... they gut, scale and fillet it for you for FREE.  Must remember that if I ever want to buy a whole snapper one day!
I hope I got enough... not sure now.

Wrote a list of things I need to remember for tomorrow... I rely on lists all the time!
Now all we have to do is hope it doesn't rain tomorrow... though I think it will still be on if it rains.  It just won't be so ... pleasant.

Looks like the weather forecast man was right about today... we are gunna have thunderstorms!  Thunder has been rippling around my area all afternoon, getting worse too!  Brylee is going to shit herself coming home from school!  She hates thunder.
OH hell... Coco just went nuts ... huge thunder just now.  Maybe I better go and pick the kids up... cos Brylee really is going to be scared.

I picked them up... BOTH had their raincoats on! Well done Griffin and Brylee.
These summer storms are quite something!  For two hours it was dark and gloomy, raining with thunder clashing all around... and now?  Sunshine and stinking hot and humid.

I'm doing a really simple dinner tonight, baked beans on toast with an egg or two.  
Then Stew and I need to sort out exactly what we need to take tomorrow and make sure it's all ready.
I'm rather excited!  I hope I catch a fish or two!
ABOVE:  the storm over Auckland today, it disrupted flights too!

End of Day:  a nice day ... cos I love thunderstorms!
nite nite


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