What is smelly?
These birds!  They reek!  The Gannet Colony at Murawai Beach ... we had never been there before so on Saturday we decided we would check it out,  seeing as we were passing.

ABOVE: the closer you got to the lookout point, the worse the smell got.  Bird shit... must be tonnes of the stuff ....

ABOVE:  getting closer.... such an AMAZING VIEW!

ABOVE:  Awesome!  I have no idea how many birds are nesting there... but it is a lot!  I thought that high outcrop was just gorgeous.  Magical.

 ABOVE:  another view...  there were a few kids fishing on those little rock outcrops below the birds.

ABOVE:  the view to the left...

ABOVE:  brave buggers swimming at Murawai... it's a fairly dangerous beach, with rips and holes.  The lifeguards had packed up for the night when we were there.  NOT that I would ever let my kids swim there, it really is a dangerous beach.

 ABOVE: the dark hole looked interesting at the end of the beach, so we wandered over there...

 ABOVE:  wonder if it goes through to the other side? 

ABOVE:  Nope.  But it was neat anyway.

 ABOVE:  looking out from inside... neat eh?

ABOVE:  How's that for an early evening shot along the beach!  

ABOVE:  Oh how's this?  We saw a wedding party having their photos taken on the  beach too.  

Clearly we had a wonderful day.  I want more like that.

I had planned to talk about next weekend, and the choice I made to go fishing instead of attending a family event... but I don't feel I can any more.
No matter what I say to justify my choice, I will no doubt be in the wrong... so I shall just say going fishing on my Dad's last boat means a lot to me.... and I will not regret it.
I have not been fishing for over 11 years... I can't wait!

ONWARD.... I've got the freakin housework to do dammit...

So, I walked into the lounge this morning... and something  felt 'wrong'....

 ABOVE:  It took me a few moments to realise what was different...

ABOVE:  hmmmm... I always wondered what would happen if that picture fell off the wall!  Now I know.  It just went straight down.  I presume it would have fallen forward too if the couch hadn't been there.

The dogs went berserk late last night, now I know why!  They heard it land.  *smiles*  


Quiet afternoon, spent vacuming and washing the floors.  Go me!
Stinking hot today, even though it's overcast and has rained a couple of times.  Ikkkk.

CRANKY:  ahhh no.  I have decided from now on to censor to a certain degree what I put on my blog... I do not intend to open myself up to controversy ever again if I can help it.  I do not care if I get negative comments, I am just not going to give anyone reason to leave any.  I don't need the hassle to be quite honest.  

END OF DAY:  a fairly nice day, got lots done around the house, enjoyed the quiet... if not the heat and humidity.
ON TRACK:  yes indeed.
nite nite


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