To crawl out of the water!
It does not take long once they have all their legs... they kinda crawl up to the edge of the water, half in, half out for a day or two, then they leave the water all together.

ABOVE: the night before I was just saying it wouldn't be long... and taaa daaa, very next morning.... front legs.

ABOVE: this guy can't be far away either, I can see his front legs just under the skin.
What amazes me is how fast they go from looking like a tadpole to a frog.  Literally in just a couple of days.
AND they still have their tail when they get out of the water... it just slowly shrinks away.

VALENTINES DAY:  yep... another good day for commercial enterprises.  Retailers go overboard with advertising, hearts and chocolate, roses and the like.  I don't need any of it.  
My husband shows me in a hundred ways how much he loves me ALL THE TIME.  I don't need roses or chocolate once a year to show me he loves me.
But, it is a nice day for youngsters like Steve and Bex I suppose.  Ahhh, young love eh?   *smiles*

Today:  off to the mall I think.  Got a few things to get... though right this minute I can't think what! 
Gimme time... I'm sure to think of something!


WEIGHT WATCHERS tonight!  Going on me own as Stew is in a meeting till late.  While I have not been excellent, I havn't been THAT bad either... so not sure how it will go.

 ABOVE:  who else has this problem?  Too many power cords for god know's what?  I was trying to find the power cord for our little laptop... do you think I could find it?  I  looked everywhere... got madder and madder... then FINALLY I did find it in a drawer with remote helicopters.   Grrrrr.
So, I spent some time trying to find out what cord went with what.

ABOVE: yaaa, these four belong to ME.  I think there are a couple more in me car too.. *sigh*.

I did not go out after all this morning.  I've been reading blogs instead of spending money shopping!  I know, weird eh?

Dinner tonight:  Corned Beef (cooked in slow cooker all day), mashed potatoes, Chuck Wagon Corn, cauliflower... and Cheese sauce.

My mouth is watering just thinking about it.  We haven't had corned beef in probably YEARS, as it's usually so expensive.  But last time at the supermarket it was on special, so I grabbed two good sized pieces.

AND mashed potatoes!  I haven't done them in months and months either.... cos you eat so much less potato if it's kept whole.  I often only have a half potato, but more often I have none.

But... family tradition here, corned beef has to be accompanied by mashed potatoes and cheese sauce!  

AND before anyone asks:

ABOVE: THIS is Chuck Wagon Corn.  And it's the ONLY frozen vegetable mix this family likes and will eat.  Fussy buggers.   It is a really nice mix though.  We go through 1 bag per dinner! 

End of day:  went to Weight Watchers, had a loss, not that huge but still a loss.
ON TRACK:  Yep.... finding it easier as the time goes on.
nite nite.


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