Where to start?

Lacy was supposed to meet me yesterday at the Radiology clinic for her 'emergency' scan.

- So I picked up the kids from school and dropped them off at Stew's office, so I didn't have to take them with me.

- I got there in plenty of time.

- 2.40pm, and it's her appointment time, but she hasn't arrived.

- 2.45 I get a text from her.  Can I come and pick her up from some where up the road?

- I ring her to find out what the hell is going on?

- Ummm....  the cops stopped her, and because the car she is driving is UN-WARRANTED and UN-REGISTERED, they are going to confiscate it for 28 days.
AND... she is driving while DISQUALIFIED... so she got a ticket for that too!  She THOUGHT she could drive because the Courts returned her Driver's License.... even though she is disqualified for 2 years.  She just thought... Oh, they sent my license back... I can drive.  Yipeee.

- So, the radiology receptionist is having a spak cos they are fully booked, but she is nice enough to direct me to where Lacy is... so I go and get her from the side of the road and take her back to the Radiology Clinic for her scan.

ABOVE: Lacy and the cop, who is writing out the tickets... cop car over to the right.  Yaaaa.

- We finally get into the scan room 40 minutes LATE.

- The radiologist looks at Lacy's form... and says 
"Why are you here?"

- Apparently Lacy misheard her midwife ... her midwife said she was concerned about the baby's size and Lacy needed a growth scan at 28 weeks... and she told Lacy to go and 'book it NOW'.

- Lacy heard 'book it NOW'... so went and booked it for NOW.  Like YESTERDAY.... When the midwife meant book it now,  for when you are 28 weeks pregnant!!!

- So... I went over there for NOTHING.

- And I had to then take Lacy back to where she is living right now (a motorcamp cabin), then pick up the kids and get home on a Friday night in grid-locked traffic.

- That took over 1 and a half hours in stinking hot weather.... when it usually takes 25 minutes.

Can you IMAGINE how bloody pissed off I was?


Today I am going to devote to reading blogs and catching up on what everyone's been up to.
No one better bother me either, cos seriously, I am just so crabby right now it's not safe to be around me.  I am even over myself!

During my walk yesterday my back started giving me some pain... it's always in the same place.. half way down, more on the right side. So, when I got home it was really killing me, so I took some painkillers and it was 'bearable' for the rest of the day... but only just.

OMG, this morning I am in so much pain!!! I can't even breathe without stabbing pain in my back... it's muscular I think?  But, so over it!  It hurts without even moving... shoot me now!

When I stood up after writing the above, my back pain went to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL... reduced me to tears and made me scream in pain... so off to the Doctor we went immediately.
She is thinking the same as me, something muscular... ???  Anyway, I have a whole barrage of pain pills now, and an appointment for a back x-ray and to see an orthopedic specialist ... oh yaaaa.

As I get this pain EVERY TIME I go for a good walk... it is worth getting to the bottom of it.

I asked about my blood test results too.
I have Diabetes it would appear.  Have to see the Doctor during the week to go over options to get it under control.  Yaaaaa again.  (said ever so crabbily)

SO... HOW IS YOUR DAY GOING?  I hope it's better than mine.

It is NOT my gallbladder!  I know exactly how a gallstone attack feels cos I got them years ago and after only 3 attacks I got me gallbladder out!  It is a similar pain to what I am experiencing now... but without the crushing chest feeling to go with the stabbing pain!

LIZZIE:  thanks, and I will be doing whatever my Dr recommends for sure.

I. love. painkillers.  I feel human again, and my crabbiness has eased.  Back pain is the pitts.

End of Day:  well it's been a kinda crappy day... so tomorrow can only be better!
ON TRACK: yep.
nite nite.


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