Way back when we bought in this suburb, I thought it would be ideal for walking around.
But I have found over the last three years that is  not so.

This suburb was predominantly built on the northern slope of a hill.   It's HILLY, steep in many places, and I HATE WALKING ON HILLS. 

 ABOVE: this photo is taken on the ridge of the hill... this is the southern slope looking towards the Bombay hills....

ABOVE: this is the Northern slope, my suburb.

 ABOVE: more of my suburb, my home is in this photo.

BUT... I have just realised something!
IF I walk down the hill all the way to Manurewa, not sure how far that is, but it's a good walk... I can catch a BUS back up the hill!
This was not a possibility until recently when the council introduced a new bus route specifically for our suburb.  Prior to that, there was no bus that came around our suburb at all.

So, today I am going to walk down the hill, and bus back.  
FINALLY, a walk I can do that won't kill me!

I should be able to do this walk on Mon/Tues and Friday every week.  (well ok, not next Monday as I have to attend an IEP for Griffin) 

Off to put me sneakers on.

Later on today I am going over to Henderson to attend Lacy's scan.  Fingers crossed her Muppet is OK.  There is serious concern over Muppet's size... and Lacy's overall health.

CHRISTY:  her MIDWIVES are concerned, if the scan shows there is something to be really concerned about, I'm sure her Doctor will be informed ... and it will go from there what's to be done.

To all who are worried about me and my stress levels:  relax!  I am going to 'walk away' from it all for as long as necessary and only deal with what I HAVE TO.


I DID IT!  I walked down to Manurewa ... it only took me 35 minutes too.  I will continue to do that walk until my fitness level improves, then I can add a bit more on.
The bus left Manurewa at 10.05, so I know I have about 20 minutes 'spare' that I can add on to my walk and still catch the bus in time.
Very happy about that.  The walk was 3.3 kms long too.

Time to do a bit of housework, get meat out of the freezer for dinner, bla bla bla.

I left home at 12 midday to pick up the kids and drop them off at Stew's office so I didn't have to take them with me.
It is now 5pm and I've just got home again.

There was NO SCAN today.
I will be having a TOTAL RANT about THAT tomorrow. 

For now all I want to do is sit here and get over having to drive around for hours in the heat and grid-locked traffic.  My temper is at boiling point.

Stew got home half and hour early and is cooking dinner for me. What a honey... see, he's only an arsehole 5% of the time really.  *smiles*

End of Day:  another crap day.  I liked the morning though.
ON TRACK:  yes.  No bad eating due to crap day.
nite nite.


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