Today I am catching the train into the city.
To meet up with a very old friend of the family.
She was my 'Aunty Pam' all my life, like my 2nd mother.. and I loved her.

When I left Auckland about 27 years ago, I've only seen her twice and talked to her on the phone once about 10 years ago ... since then I lost contact.
I moved.
She moved.

Well... thanks to Facebook I tracked down one of her grandkids,  and from there... I hunted the white pages until I found her again.

I spoke to her yesterday, and today I'm going to see her!
I'm nervous!  I am not sure why ... I just am.

ABOVE:  I decided to make 2 Feijoa cakes and take some for morning tea with Pam...

ABOVE:  they came out really lovely too... we ate almost half of one last night for supper!

ABOVE:  I'm glad they tasted so good... cos I had to buy the feijoas... and would you check out the price I had to pay!!!


WHY was I nervous???

Pam and I greeted each other... and then sat and yakked for 3 and a half hours!  It was so lovely... but the best moment was when she laughed at something!  She has the MOST delightful laugh and as soon as I heard it I remembered her like we hadn't been apart for so many years!  
She has not changed AT ALL... and I can't wait until I can see her again.
We have even talked about her coming out here for visits and dinner too.  
That is going to be so neat.  She really is like me 2nd Mother... well that's how I feel anyway.

TRAINS... great way to get into the city for sure. No parking hassels.  Cheap too.
But.... when I wanted to catch a train out home again... I missed one by only about 30 seconds... so I asked the nearest train conductor when the next one was and he was down right rude!
He said... "NOT THIS ONE. Read the signs!" and walked away.
Pfffffft.  As I have only been down in the central train station a few times, I wasn't sure which signs to bloody well read.  I ended up asking a Courtesy Man where the timetable for the Southern Line was and he said I could catch THAT train (pointing to one on another line)... but I would have to run cos it was leaving in one minute!

ME? RUN?  Hell no!

But I did my best and managed to get to the train as the doors were closing... so I kinda shoved me gorgeously ample body in the gap and stopped the door closing long enough to get in.  ha ha ha!

I friggin well forgot to take some photos!  Derrr.
Pam lives in an inner city apartment, she has a lovely view of part of the harbour.  Her eldest daughter and her husband are in the same building too... they Manage it.  They apparently have an amazing view of the entire harbour!

Home now... and ooops, ain't even thought about dinner.   Stewy... maybe we will have some takeaways tonight?

I'm still buzzing about my day.... huge smile on me dial.   It was so nice to have a totally lovely day, no stress... just loved it.

ABOVE:  with her permission... here is my Aunty Pam and her eldest grandchild.... Jodi.  Jodi is the one I tracked down on Facebook and she is how I found my Aunty Pam again!  THANKS Jodi!!!

SASSY: Feijoa's taste like nothing I can compare them to... they taste like FEIJOA'S!   DOH... not helping eh?  lol  And yep, I did kinda run... but me thinks it looked more like a quick shuffle!  *smiles*

End of Day:  a fantastic day!  Lovely dinner (chinese) followed by hot feijoa cake and ice cream.  Naughty but nice.
ON TRACK:  hell no.
nite nite.


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