Oat & Date Slices

The other week the lovely people at Mornflake sent me this wonderful recipe book (plus lots of lovely oats) and if you like cooking & baking with oats then this seriously is the recipe book for you! I found the recipe book on Amazon [link!] .. from just 1p! Alternatively, their website also has a selection of great recipes - link!

After eagerly looking over the recipe I decided to choose a sweet recipe to bake first (to compliment all of the savoury dishes I've been blogging recently) - link! .. and I chose 'Date Slices'.

Date slice & Yoghurt & Cinnamon

I decided to experiment with this recipe and have blogged both the original recipe as well as what I decided to do and what I would do next time.. so you have three versions to choose from - after all, no one likes to be told what to do!

So, to make these delicious healthy sweet bundles of taste you will need...

350g / 3 cups of Mornflake Oats (I would love to experiment with ground oats too!)
175g / 3/4 cup of melted, soft vegetable margarine (I used 2 mashed bananas instead)
2 tbsp of sugar (I used sweetener instead)
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
225g / 1 1/3 cups Stoned Dates
1 Large cooking apple, cored & sliced (I would peel first next time!)
150ml / 2/3 cup water

And here is what to do...

First, pre-heat your oven to 190 degrees C / 375 degrees F or gasmark 5 and lightly oil a 20cm square baking tin (I lined a baking dish with baking paper instead)

1) Place the oats in a bowl and stir in the melted margarine, then the sugar and cinnamon (I mashed the bananas first, then added the oats, sweetener and cinnamon)


2) Press half of the mixture into the prepared tin / baking dish

3) Place the dates, apple slices (peel your apple first though!!) and water in a saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring to a pulp

4) Spread the date puree on top of the oats, then top with the remaining oat mixture - pat down firmly!

5) Bake in the oven for 30 minutes until golden brown & then cut into squares (x 16)..

Really wish I'd peeled the apple first!

I loved these date slices so much and they're packed with soluble fibre to keep our bodies healthy (soluble fibre helps to lower cholesterol and keep our digestive systems moving.. to read more about fibre click [here]).

Nutrition Per Slice (x 16): 122 kcal, 3g Protein, 25g Carbs, 2g Fat*

Nutritional Benefits: High in soluble fibre & antioxidants

For more great tasting, low calorie recipes click [here]

Have a great week guys!

Nic x
*Nutritional information provided by Firecracker


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