Due to that... I've let blog reading/commenting slip AGAIN.
But by Monday Lacy will be all settled in her home and my life will go back to 'normal'.
And I promise to catch up with you all then.

Yesterday's efforts:

 ABOVE:  Lacy's bedroom.  I got the curtains from Pukekohe and they are way nicer than the photo indicated.  Very happy with them.

ABOVE:  Baby's room.... should be able to hang her curtains some time today.

 ABOVE:  net in the kitchen.  

ABOVE:  Roman blind and curtains in the lounge.   I need to find some net for the French doors and then that room will be done.

ABOVE:  Roman blind down.  So happy with these curtains/blind, they cost the most at $100, but that roman blind alone would have cost several hundred dollars to be made, so a score as far as I'm concerned.

I think all up I've spent about $300 now on curtains/tracks/wire & hooks and net.  Not too shabby for an entire house!

Lynda (blogger friend) is coming over this morning to drop off the vacuum cleaner for Lacy... so it will be good to just relax this morning.

The pink curtains Stew picked up last night for Miss Muppet's room were HUGE.... so I cut one in half to make two curtains the right size for her room, I did that last night.  And I lengthened the net for the dining room... so once Lynda has been and gone we will go over and hang them.

I've been out and about and so busy this week I have not been able to take me piddle pills... so this morning I took a double dose!  I think I'll be spending most of the day in the bathroom!
I'm gunna keep count of how many times I have to pee today... guess's anyone?




MARY H:  Chick, I'm only counting piddles mmmmK? lol

ABOVE: Lynda arriving with the vacuum for Lacy.  We had a lovely visit, always nice to yak with a friend... *smiles*

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet's curtains up. it looks so nice now.
I have a shaggy pink rug for the floor too... but it's in storage right now, we'll get it on sunday along with everything else.

I made a hair appointment for myself on the way home.... getting my colours done again... haven't had them done since December!  Friggin too long!  My hair looks disgusting. (massive re-growth) ikkk.

End of Day: ended up at Carl's Junior for dinner... still love their burgers!
Bex is here for the night and most of tomorrow, so happy to see her ... she's not feeling so ikky now with her pregnancy which is great.
ON TRACK:  burger?  ah no.
nite nite.


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