Perhaps if I say I am not doing any sewing today... I will actually get to do some?  lol

This past week has been full on... I've been here there and everywhere with the kids (the BIG kids that is!), hopefully nothing else happens for a few days and I can do a few things I want to do?

Grocery shopping this weekend (at some point)  is high on the list of "to do's", and that's about it.

Except for sewing... but shush, we will just whisper that!  *smiles*

I'm going to suggest we do a drive by the house Lacy is moving into tonight, to see what it's like in the area on a weekend night.  Hopefully it's OK.  Most state housing areas are not that 'great'... so in a way I'm a wee bit worried about how safe she will be, on her own there?
But hopefully, I'm worrying about nothing.
The local police station is about 500 metres up the road too.... which is kinda comforting!


Well... the shopping is done for another fortnight... thank god.  I hate it so much.  I always end up in a right shitty mood.  No surprises there.
Now I'm watching the final of American Idol.  Can't say I've been following it much this year... at all.
It just isn't that good this year I reckon.
So, I'll watch the finale then go do some sewing.

American Idol was nice, though I still feel like the guy who got kicked out last week should have won.  

It's been a quiet afternoon... for me anyway.  Stew has been doing the gardening and mowing the lawns... poor bugger.

Oh and I just remembered, Stew and I are going out for dinner to my Aunt and Uncle's around the corner.  So yaaa... we get to escape the mad house for a little while.
Steve is in Hamilton, so that means Lacy gets to cook the kids dinner and babysit.
I could come to like this... having a babysitter on hand all the time!
OK, once she moves into her own home she won't be quite 'on hand', but still close!  Yaaaa.

SEWING?  nope, still haven't done any!

End of day:  another lovely day.... dinner was super nice.  Lamb shanks cooked with veges... yummy.
On Track:  sort of!
nite nite.


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