APOLOGIES in advance... but today is going to be a repeat of yesterday really....

except for the grocery shopping.... we done that already.

We have NO plans at all.

Stew thinks we should go out for lunch 'somewhere'.

But I can't think of anywhere to go that we haven't already been. (around Auckland)

Cones:  Teddy has been in one for about 6 weeks, and I took it off yesterday as his rump was completely healed.  Yaaaa.   BUT last night he started having a go at his rump AGAIN, so back ON went the friggin cone.  Grrrrrr.   I wish I knew what made his skin flare up so often... it's driving him (and me) mental.
Coco is in a cone now too.  
I wish it was something as simple as fleas, I can get rid of fleas.  But it ain't.

  **ding ding**  it just occurred to me:  this happened to both dogs shortly after they were groomed!  I wonder if it's something like the shampoo the groomer's use??? hmmmm.

Right, back to where to go for lunch.... dumm dee doo....

ABOVE: Takapuna on the North Shore.  We are going over there right now to the Market.  It's something to do right?

ABOVE:  well the market at Takapuna was.... not as good as I remembered really.  Lots of bric a brack, food and fresh produce.  Also, lots of people... you could hardly move in same places. We had a fairly quick look around then left.  
I did manage to buy a little something for a dear friend of mine.

ABOVE: after the market we went down to Devonport and had a look around.  I bought these two cute felt brooches to wear... funky and cute.

By then it was after 1pm, so we drove to Sylvia Park and had lunch... and I got something I've been wanting FOREVER:

ABOVE: that's Stew carrying 'it'.  Can ya guess what it is???

The weather has packed it in, it's now very overcast with scattered showers. I actually felt COLD outdoors today! Was nice.  

End of Day: Steve's safely home from Hamilton... I've been listening to my most favourite singer (Nick Pitera) for ages this evening... I can't get enough of him!  
ON TRACK: yep.
nite nite


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