ABOVE:  So ... this is the bed that's getting delivered today.  Griffin is going to be in seventh heaven tonight!
I reckon he's got a better mattress than us!
I'm hoping that by the end of the year I can afford to get us a new bed too.
Our's has done us for about 15 years now!

Stew gets a new lawnmower today too... just what every bloke wants... lol !

Because I'm an impatient tart ... I shall probably try and put the bed together today... before Stew gets home.

BUT.... I don't think I'll give the lawnmower a go.... there is no way I want to mow lawns.  


ABOVE:  first up for the day... some new sheets for Griffin's bed and Steve's bed.

TRACY:  ha ha!   Men eh?  I'm pretty sure I can put the bed together.... I've done a few in me day.  Here's hoping it's simple! 

ABOVE:  They said 9.30am... and they arrived bang on 9.30am!!!  First time EVER I've had a company arrive with a delivery on time.  
IN PAIN now though... cos I stubbed me big toe on that friggin lawn mower!  NO blood, just a nasty throbbing pain.

Nevermind though... I'm gunna put that bed together really easily, and I got the blokes to put the mattress down in the bedroom for me... so that's one big job already done.

I'm expecting Kelly and Rena to arrive any minute too... we are babysitting Rena for the weekend.

Well... Just for now... that bed has gotten the better of me and Kelly!  Maybe I will wait till the men get home!  It just does not want to fit together and I got all hot and sweaty trying to get it together.  Not a good look!


ABOVE:  and well..... it's done now!  lol

Kelly and Rena have gone to have lunch with Lacy... So it's nice an quiet for the moment.

Last weekend when we saw Rena last her hair needed a trim... and I was going to do it this weekend while she was here.  
BUT someone beat me to it:

 ABOVE: she's got cold sores.  I hope they are not too contagious?  Cos if they are she can't stay this weekend.

ABOVE:   the MULLET... thought it was long dead.

ABOVE: Poor bloody kid.  Apparently SHE wanted her hair cut like this????

Now I feel very guilty... cos I thought about it and told Kelly Rena could not stay after all.  We are visiting a friend on Sunday who has a young baby... and I doubt she would thank us for visiting with a kid who has cold sores.  It's just a bit risky I think.
So... Kelly baked a cake and then left.  

She's got a party at her home tomorrow night and didn't want Rena under foot... so hopefully she finds a babysitter.

ANON:  fair enough.  But how do you know who does and does not have the virus?  I was not prepared to risk taking her to my friend's house where there is a very young baby.  Rena has her  fingers in her mouth all the time (she sucks her thumb), then her fingers are on the bench, on the doors, the toys... bla bla bla.  Not hard to transfer virus's me thinks.

Clearly an adult knows how to keep from spreading the virus.   Bit of a worry about the thought of kids at school with active cold sores.
But then kids get all sorts of things at school eh?

Obviously my only concern was for the young baby we will be visiting.  

Thanks Penny.... I didn't come down in the last shower eh?  lol.... I do know a thing or two  ***smiles***

SHELLEY: according to Kelly, YES ... a hairdresser did THAT. 

CHRIS & SHELLEY: you two crack me up!

Dinner was salmon quiche... and it was lovely.  Griffin had a right spak and said he HATED salmon... but ended up liking me quiche!  Just as well... or I would have tipped it over his head.  I've been known to do that on odd occasions!  lol   YEP, I have!

End of Day: time to have a tipple or two I think.  
nite nite.


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