I've got the morning to myself.... first time this week?
I don't know what I will do yet... if it's not too cold in the garage I might work on a wall hanging for Miss Muppet's room.

Or I could read some blogs.... 

Or I could do some housework?

Hmmmm... tough decision!  lol

ABOVE:  the dogs in their new 'beds' (their travel cases) .... I put them in the laundry in their 'beds' and they can't reach the door to scratch and whine.  
Teddy is such a shit at doing that.... but I did this two nights ago and there was no crying, no scratching on the door... so I'm thinking they like their new beds!

During the day I am keeping the crates in the lounge so they can sleep in them too.... it's working too!  I just point at their crates and say "bed" and they go in them.  Awesome.

At lunchtime today I pick up Griffin and take him to his Speld Lesson.  Only a couple more weeks till school holidays ... I'm starting to actually look forward to school holidays! I  get a break from having to go out and about!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I just want to stay home!


So... I've just spent 2 hours tidying up the linen cupboard for the umpteenth time this year... and I've come to two conclusions:
1/  I am far too fastidious about my linen
2/  I've got bugger all sheets!

Where the hell do they go?  Linen heaven?  Or did I just give them all away?  Hmmmm... I think I need to stop giving them away!

It's a glorious day today... can't see a cloud in the sky.  Very nice.

Last hour of the morning I spent watching a TV show I'd taped... then I picked up Griffin from School, Lacy from her house, dropped Steve at his work (even though it's his day off) then took Griffin to his Speld Lesson.
Went into Pukekohe for lunch with Lacy, picked up Griffin .... went to Lacy's house and got all her washing off the line and brought it home to air in my dryer.

Some total of time spent on ME?  1 hour.
And now I have a headache... AGAIN.

Seems to be most afternoons I get a headache?  Can't think why.

I've got 1 hour until I need to put the dinner on (Roast Pork)... might just chill out.

End of Day:  dinner was really yum... even though I overcooked me peas to a crisp!  
Lacy safely home... we are watching some really old Bruce Willis movie on the telly.
nite nite.


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