ABOVE:  wondering what she's doing?

ABOVE:  yes, that is a Teddy Bear, NOT Miss Muppet!!!

ABOVE:  Lacy... practising tucking her baby in the bassinett!

ABOVE:  well... Teddy looks snug as a bug... so I'm sure Miss Muppet will be too!  lol
I just hope next time I go over to visit Teddy isn't in a nappy too!  

First up:  Stew has his latest blood test .. the same one I had yesterday in fact!  

Next up:  Grocery shopping.  OH Ya hooo... *sigh*
NO other plans yet... but I think we will be checking out a bed for us... our old one is utter crap!  Just LOOKING right now, deciding on what one would be right for us... and comparing costs.

I'll be back .... later.


So it's much later ... we went and lay on many beds in a couple of places here in Auckland... did some pricing... then rang our favourite store in Hamilton and asked a few questions... and drove down there on the spur of the moment... tried out the bed they said would suit all our requirements... and bought it.  And more sheets, cos we need them.  As the bed has to be ordered in, I'm not sure when we will get it... can't be soon enough for our backs!

We had lunch at The Base, very nice it was too. 
Saw a car's number plate that was perfect for our Griffin:

ABOVE:  considering just how much this kid ate for lunch.. it suits him.

We did a very quick stop in at Amanda's, where I got a quick parting cuddle with Emily then we came home.

It broke my heart that Emily didn't want to come near me.  That's all I'm gunna say on that though.  It's too painful.

As I'm in a bit of a  mood now... I'm gunna try and drown me sorrows with evil wine.  I shall no doubt regret it tomorrow morning!

Did I mention I ended up on the couch last night?  That I got virtually NO SLEEP due to hot flushes and acid reflux?
NO.... don't think I did.  
Last night was the night from HELL!  I ate too much at dinnertime... pastry and me are not a good mix .... live and learn... AGAIN.

So tonight I only had a little dinner... no more big meals in the evening.  It's just not worth the pain... or lack of sleep.

I'm already feeling better for making that decision.  Now I just have to make a few more GOOD decisions in relation to my health and well being.

It's got to be 'back to baby steps'.  Cos I've don't think I've been this unfit and heavy in about 6 years.  Just let emotional eating get so out of hand in the past few years.  Why is life so rocky?
I hope I've learnt something from it all.... the up's and down's of life must be for something eh?

End of Day:  well a mixed day.  Can't wait until our new bed arrives, I'm COUNTING on it helping us both sleep better and not wake up with dreadful backaches all the time.  God I hope that happens.  
nite nite.


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