How to REALLY lose weight - Part 2

If you haven't already done so, make sure to read 'How to REALLY lose weight - Part 1' .. the key to starting the weight loss journey. So what next?

The journey of my successful slimmer started back in January.. which is when various 'lifestyle adjustments' began to take place..

A diet DIDN'T start... A lifestyle change DID.

And these were the first steps..

  1. Accepted that weight change will be unpredictable - it can be quick, slow, it can remain unchanged and it may increase
  2. Weekly weight was assessed
  3. No longer saw Friday/Saturday/Sunday as 'free for all'
  4. Stopped drinking alcohol (when home) at weekends and limited intake when socialising (and chose diet drinks/mixers)
  5. Stopped drinking alcohol mid-week (2-3 pints plus packet of crisps usually)
  6. Redistributed dietary intake at lunch (1-2 fruit moved to mid-afternoon)
  7. Began measuring oil (1/2 tablespoon in salad)
  8. Tried to eat until no longer hungry by waiting 10-20 minutes afterwards, instead of trying to achieve fullness - became better attuned to satiety levels

These lifestyle changes weren't made all at once, but over a 2 month period.. Never try to make too many diet or lifestyle changes at once.. try them one at a time.. step by step working your way towards a healthier lifestyle and ultimately permanent weight loss.

I'll be posting part 3 of this successful slimmer's weight loss journey soon!

Nic x


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