Right... in case you didn't see this yesterday, I will repeat it:

I'm doing a competition, as suggested by a few of you blogger friends.


1.  What day and time will she arrive ?
2.  What weight? (pounds and ounces)

Miss Muppet's "due date" is this Sunday.

I will give a prize to the person who guess's the CLOSEST to each question... so there will be two prizes.


Now... today?

We are expecting Kelly and Rena for the weekend.

At some point we have to go bloody grocery shopping.  And I want to continue sewing Baby Quilts.... I'm just loving making them.

No doubt we will get Lacy over for a visit with Kelly and Rena too... as long as she hasn't spat that baby out!

2 people have guessed baby will arrive today!  
I hope she does, then I won't have to worry about taking Brylee and Griffin with me when we eventually go to the hospital.

Cute for the day:  Griffin and Steve are playing XBOX together... and Griffin says to Steve:
"Look out brother from another Mother!"... made Stew laugh.  

The following photos are for you FROGGY:

ABOVE: Our frogs in their terrarium... perfectly happy chaps.

Kelly and Rena arrived this morning, and they had picked up Lacy too.

Stew and I made the most of having babysitters in the house and went to Sylvia Park and did the shopping.

Lunch was American Hot Dogs.... nice and easy.

I'm gunna go sew now... I should be reading blogs, but I might just leave that until Monday.... when it's not so busy in the house.

Knackered.  Just spent and hour and a half making pies for dinner.  In some new small, individual baking dishes.
I have wanted some small baking dishes for ages.  I kinda hope I can put an entire dinner in each one and serve them in the baking dish? Dunno if it will work or not yet.

I took nurofen gel caps for my aching shoulder... not expecting it to work... BUT IT DID!  Thank goodness cos the pain was getting me down.  And crabby.  
And I'm not nice when I'm crabby!  lol

End of Day:  it's been a really nice day today.
Lacy has decided to spend the night here instead of going home... so she's in Steve's bed.  He's not here, he's gone to Hamilton for the weekend.
Nite nite.


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