I was going to make the title of this post "Steve is a Dick".... but I'm quite sure I've used it before!

So... the dogs are staying in a dog crate inside while Coco is in season... and they are missing their cuddles and loves.
Steve solved that little 'problem' ... :

ABOVE: Yes, you are seeing right, he got in the crate with them...

ABOVE:  it was easier getting IN as opposed to getting OUT!  The dogs enjoyed it, but I bet they were thinking "What A DICK" !  ha ha ha.

ABOVE:  Griffin is keen on cooking, so he helped me prepare dinner last night.

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet (Keera) sleeping.  Photo taken at 11 Days old.  So very precious.

ABOVE:  kisses from her Mummy.

ABOVE:  wonder how long it will take for her to get utterly sick of being kissed???  Hopefully... NEVER.

Today:  Bex and I will go out and about... cos we can... then I am babysitting Keera at Lacy's house while Lacy attends a WINZ appointment to sort out her benefit entitlements.

Bex cannot come near Keera on this visit as she is recovering from the 'flu.... so she will just have to stay home!


Right.... went out and bought a bag with Justin Beiber on it for young Haylea over in Aussy... can't send stuff for the two littlies and not her afterall!
Then Bex and I popped into the hospice shop and I got a couple of things...

ABOVE:  love shopping!  lol

Now... off to Lacy's to babysit wee Keera.... while Bex stays home and has a sleep, she's got a cracker of a cold.

Oh and just spent a good 20 minutes on the phone with the mother from yesterday (who's son was being so awful)... poor woman is beside herself.  She doesn't know which way to turn cos her son is being so BAD right now.  All I could do was let her talk and try to offer some advice... HA!  It's good to give her some insight into teenagers and their behaviour.  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

Awww, just spent an hour with me special wee granddaughter Keera.  She's such a darling wee baby, melts me heart just looking at her.
Lacy has got her benefit sorted out, so all good there.
Now... I'm home again and yaaa, dinner is sorted too.
I've got a lovely bacon hock and green split pea soup cooking in the crock pot.   YUMMMM.

My soup went down a treat... I put small cubes of tasty cheese in the bowls too... for an added kick.  Everyone loved it.  Stew and I went over to Lacy's after dinner and gave her some soup too... and Stew put out her rubbish bags for collection tomorrow.

End of day:  it's been a nice day... more nice days than horrid ones ... I'm liking that.
nite nite.


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