More photos of our Miss Muppet, taken yesterday while she was visiting:

 ABOVE:  Uncle Steve and his newest niece.

ABOVE: Teddy trying to get in on the act...

ABOVE:  Lacy and her bubba... Keera is almost smiling I reckon!

ABOVE:  another nice one...

ABOVE:  Lacy about to laugh at Steve...

 ABOVE:  this is why she was laughing!  Just look at Miss Muppet's face!  Transfixed on her mad Uncle!

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet in my bassinet.  And see that gorgeous shawl?  My Grandmother made that for me when I was expecting Amanda, and I've used it for all my babies and some of my grandbabies too!  AND it's still in perfect condition after 33 years.  I'm proud of that.

Today I'm off to pick up another bassinet I bought off Trademe!
This next one is for Lacy, as the one she has right now is not on wheels and she finds it difficult to take it from the bedroom to the lounge every day.
The one I'm picking up for her has wheels, and it was even cheaper than my one, but still gorgeous.
The bassinet she already has will be donated to the Hospice Shop.

Also today, we need to do a grocery shop... the food stocks are very low!

AND I would love to get time to do some sewing....  have I mentioned how much I miss buying fabric?
Cos I do ... so much!  Oh to have a few hundred bucks 'spare' to go hit the fabric shops.  *sigh*

It will happen, but not for a while.  And I do have a nice amount of fabric in me stash I suppose... NOT that you can EVER have too much fabric!


Olympics.... absolutely thrilling late last night watching our rowers in action!

ABOVE:  it was SO worth watching!  Congrats to our guys, bringing home TWO GOLD MEDALS!

After lunch Stew, the kids and I went over to the North Shore to pick up the bassinet for Lacy's house, then we went and had an ice cream at Mission Bay.
I got a few awesome photos of the harbour:

ABOVE: Auckland is not called the City of Sails for nothing.  Masses of yachts on the harbour today...

ABOVE:  the cloud formations were stunning too...

ABOVE:  stunning  sky.  Well.... I think so anyway!

Home now and listening to Kelly cook dinner!  How nice... she's doing 'Devilled Sausages'.  Hmmm... haven't had those in a long time.

Hmmmm... seems I'm a 'Plonker'!  How nice.  Just because my opinion is different from yours, and I don't follow YOUR way of eating does not make me a bad mother, or a bloody PLONKER!  And let me just say... Carbohydrates and sugars ARE NOT the cause of every illness known to man!  FOR FUCKS SAKE!  Fanatics and their beliefs just fuck me off.
NO offence intended to YOU "L" by the way.  

End of Day:  it's been lovely, spent with family.  
nite nite


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