When I first started thinking about what the cover would look like for SPARKLE, I knew it would involve a few things: the color pink, something that represented The Champagne Diaries, and something that screamed "there is a gay man trapped inside my body and he loves glitter." 

I went back and forth with ideas; at first I thought I'd do something really glitzy (think scratch & sniff meets pop-up book with George Michael in a motorcycle jacket rising from the center), but then reality hit and I realized I am publishing this book myself which means I am responsible for all costs involved. And unfortunately (or fortunately), I don't have thousands of dollars to pay a company to make that bizarre fantasy a reality.

After weeks of discussing (read: harassing) cover concepts with my designer Cara Loper, we finally decided on something so beautiful, so clean, so girly, and so representative of a champagne girl, and I cannot wait to share with you ladies! 

I will be unveiling the cover VERY SOON, but there's MORE! To thank everyone for their support throughout this process, I am also running a contest leading up to the big unveiling of the cover of SPARKLE!

Here are the official rules:

All you have to do is tweet using the hash tag #SparkleBook between now and August 10th, 2012. And if you don't use Twitter, have no fear! The contest will be valid on Facebook as well, just post something about Sparkle on The Champagne Diet's wall between now and Friday August 10th, 2012. It can be something as simple as "I can't wait to read this book that Cara has been talking about for seventeen years!" or "I can't wait to SPARKLE and shine and get my hands on this fabulous book!"

I will select a winner at random by August 15th and announce on the blog using your Facebook name and/or Twitter handle, and that lucky person will win a very special hand-selected Goddess Gift courtesy of The Champagne Diet! Here's a hint: it involves champagne!

Good luck!

Note: Winner must confirm they are 21+ to receive champagne


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