NO... I'm not exactly on one right now.  I'm waiting until my head is in the right space to knuckle down and 'do it' again.

AGAIN.  *sigh* ... the very word pisses me off.
So... clearly I'm not ready yet.

But when I am.

I'm going to do it 'MY WAY'.

No matter what that entails.

It will be RIGHT for me.


With individual needs, beliefs, and health requirements... bla bloody bla.

NO PARTICULAR DIET is 'right' for everyone.
Don't try and tell me what to do, what to eat, what not to eat... and for sure don't tell me I'm killing my kids by making them eat goddam bloody carbohydrates.

THAT just makes me super pissed off.  

Look at my sidebar....all of my kids are amazingly HEALTHY people.  Wow, I must have done something right afterall.

If I choose not to 'follow' your diet, it does not mean I'm a fool, a plonker, or any other name you choose to call me.  It just means I am exercising my RIGHT to do what I want in relation to my health... just as YOU do.

I don't recall at any time I have ever said to anyone* that I thought your diet sucked.  I respect your right to do whatever the hell you want.


(*Sandra C, you know why I told you off about what you were doing!  You were my exception to the rule, only cos I love you.)

Today:  well we need to do the grocery shopping.  
How thrilling.

ABOVE:  My darling man... showing off his new shirt.  Lacy bought it for him... as a 'Thank You' for being such a supportive Dad/Granddad.  She also bought me a cute wee cushion.

ABOVE:  I'm sorry ... but yes!  We are doting Grandparents... and I will be posting millions of photos of grandbabies... cos it's my blog and I can!  ha ha ha.


ANNE:  I do not have a problem with Low Carb/Paleo diets at all.  But I do have a problem with people telling me I'm killing my kids feeding them carbs!  AND saying that carbs and sugars cause "cancer, lymphodeoma, etc"!  That is a crock of shit.

For every article you can produce backing up those claims, I can produce one that says the exact opposite.

Now ... so photos I took this morning:

 ABOVE:  I wanted a nice photo of Rena and both dogs, so I got her to hold onto their collars to keep them with her...

 ABOVE:  after a while I told her to let Coco go, but she could keep holding Teddy for a while.

ABOVE:  here she's holding Teddy, whose trying to escape, and Coco... well she's having a 'DIVA' moment... flicking her hair around!  lol

 ABOVE: Rena was having fun!  

ABOVE: but Teddy?  Not so much!!!  I think in this photo he was saying "Save me!"

ABOVE:  freaking photogenic kid eh?  All our grandkids are.

ABOVE:  we shall call this shot "brushing the mullet" ... *smiles*

Stew and I are off to do the grocery shopping now...  yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......

ANNE: thanks... I'm glad you did that, so you can see why I was a bit incensed?  I have moved on don't worry, being called a 'Plonker' is not the worst I've been called!  lol

Time to prepare dinner... sweet 'n' sour chicken with potato gems on top!  Yummm, the family love it.

End of Day:  dinner was a FAIL!  I should have used twice as much sweet 'n' sour sauce.. it was a bit tasteless.   I'll know for next time.
nite nite


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