Nakd Bar Review

Do you snack between meals? If you're trying to lose weight then the two most important things are 1) That you eat regularly i.e. don't skip meals and 2) That you burn off more calories than what you are taking in. Snacking between meals is perfectly healthy if you are hungry and your chosen snack is within your calorie allowance for the day. As a general rule, I like to keep snacks under 200kcal. If I'm just peckish then I normally choose fresh fruit and/or a yoghurt, however if I feel a bit more hungry or I'm being a bit more active than usual, then a cereal/snack bar is my usual snack of choice! The key is to make the most out of your calories - eat for goodness & eat for nutritional value.

Nakd sent me a selection of their yummy products to try!

Nakd are a brand which pride themselves in not only being gluten, wheat and dairy free, but contain 100% natural ingredients as well. Nakd snack bars are made from raw fruit and nuts and contain no added sugar or syrups. The fruit-based bars also count towards one of your 5 a day (as do the delicious dried fruit packs - which are flavoured naturally .. fruit has never tasted so sweet without added sugar!).

At just 68kcal per bag for the raisins, and 135-157kcal for the snack bars they are an ideal snack either between meals or before exercise and they taste delicious! My favourites were definitely the cocoa variety. Looking at ingredients, The Nakd Cocoa Mint bar contains: 48% raw dates, 29% raw cashews, 17% raw raisins and 6% cocoa.

Nuts provide our bodies with:
  • Healthy fats & essential fatty acids (omega 3) - to lower cholesterol & prevent heart disease
  • Soluble fibre - to lower cholesterol & maintain a healthy digestive system
  • Vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant & vitamin essential for skin health
  • Plant sterols - to lower cholesterol levels
Fruit provides our bodies with a variety of  antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre which together help to reduce disease risk and maintain a healthy body - we don't try to eat 5-9 portions of fruit and veg a day for nothing! More colours the better.

The only way to know what you're eating is to look at the label.. it doesn't take long, but the only way to eat healthy is to mindfully eat healthy. Check the ingredients list: if sugar/glucose/syrup is the first ingredient then personally I would leave it alone (sugar contains nothing but calories - no goodness!), and check the nutrition label: if the total snack bar is more than 200kcal (or 150kcal if you're trying to lose weight) then perhaps choose one that is lower.

I hope this mini review is useful to you!

Nic x

P.s There also is a new 'Oatie' range which are designed for those who are watching their weight.. at 100kcal each why not?! I can't wait to try them too!


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