As I glance around my house I know that we have in it:

-A big wooden cot
-A portacot
-A highchair
-A bassinet
-A pram
-5 BIG boxes of baby clothes and blankets

-And One Baby.

It is so funny!  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think we would still have all this stuff in our house.  
But ... I wouldn't have it any other way!

Oh hold on... I would change one thing.  I think I would rather the BIG WOODEN COT was in a bedroom instead of in the middle of me lounge!  lol
I'm sure Steve will dismantle it and put it in a better place sometime this weekend.

ABOVE:  Keera at 6 weeks and 2 days old.  She is just gorgeous.  She's still rocking the Mohawk hairstyle!

Yesterday Teddy and Coco were so funny, they kept trying to get in the cot... but of course they couldn't... so they just sat and whimpered a few times before giving up.
I told Steve when he got home ... so he did this:

ABOVE: off came one side, on went the blanket... and up they jumped.  Happy little dogs.  SPOILT ROTTEN little dogs too.
But, they are family too, and we love them.

Looking after Keera is just lovely, and I thought, why not let the kids help too?  So... first up for today, Griffin got to change his baby sister's nappy! ...

ABOVE:  heck, where do I start???  This baby wriggles!

ABOVE:  Eeewwww, really?  I've got to WIPE that bum???  Yes Griffin, you do!  And you did a good job too...

ABOVE:  Yaaa... that little bum is finally covered up again... I was getting a bit embarrassed looking at me sister's bum!  (but at least NOW I know the difference between girls and boys!)

ABOVE:  Yes!  The ordeal is almost over... and Keera didn't come to any harm and I can now go and clean me hands!  Baby bums....*shudder*.   

Today:  off to Manurewa to pick up my prescription... NEED more happy pills.  
After that?  Dunno yet.  We have to work around a newborn after all.


What can I say about last night?  It went REALLY WELL.  Keera slept from 8pm until 3am... and at the 3am feed she skulled the lot and went straight back to sleep!  Awesome.
Then she woke at 7am and has been a bit unsettled since that feed... but we don't mind.  

Stew rather liked it that she was awake cos he shot over to her bassinet and picked her up!  Keera liked that.

Keera sleeps best when she is 'swaddled', but the light baby wraps we are using are annoying as she can get her hands/arms free and then she doesn't settle as good.  So after lunch we are going out to get a baby wrap I saw in The Baby Factory the other night ... it keeps the baby wrapped in such a way that it's arms cannot get out.  

Lunch today:  apple pies... cos I've got pastry left over from last night.  Don't intend to waste it!

NOT having pies afterall...we are off to Sylvia Park instead.

Back.  Stew cleaned my car!  First time in months.  I tried to have a nap. IMPOSSIBLE.  PEOPLE keep texting me, phoning me, jumping over me, well... you get the drift.

Stew is cooking dinner.  I can smell something weird.. kinda like plastic burning.  NOT going to investigate.  Will just hope it's edible.

Keera is having a really good sleep this afternoon.  Which means she will be a little shit this evening for her Mummy!  ha ha ha.
Babies... such fun.

ANNA: thank you so much for that lovely comment.  It is much appreciated.  
CHRISTY:  yes he did blush!!!

End of Day: another nice day in the 'H' house.
Took baby back to her Mummy... Mummy ran up the drive as I was driving in, she was so keen to get her baby back!  Very cute.
nite nite.


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