My 'nite nite' pills... prescribed to help me sleep through the hot flushes stopped working with taking 3 at night, so the Dr upped it to 4 a night.  So now I am doped up to the eyeballs!  WELL ... not really... but I'm certainly taking way more than I started with!

Bonus is they are antidepressants, and ya all know I could use them!
I'm looking forward to the day I don't need them for either 'problem' ever again.

ABOVE:  this is the baby wrap I bought yesterday for Keera.  It professed to hold the baby's arms in a more natural position while asleep.   It is "OK", but I think I should have bought the other one now in hindsight.

ABOVE:  this one is called a 'Mum2Mum Baby Dream Swaddle'.  It works like the 'Miracle Wrap' that Jo from Wellington told me about, but it has a zip closure instead of wrapping the fabric around the baby.  

Today:  I think I've got a friend coming over to do some sewing with me.  Must text her and check!
I will be doing some sewing either way.
I've done a good catch up on my blog reading, so that is not making me feel guilty now!  *smiles*


Can you tell I've been busy?
Ha ha... I've been working on the Lemur Baby Quilt.  On me own.  My friend couldn't make it after all.  Shame that... I was looking forward to it too.  Oh well... another day.
The guys and kids are having a lovely lazy day too... playing X Box (the kids and Steve) and watching rugby (Stew).  They are happy.  So I don't feel guilty about sewing.

Wonder if Stew is gunna make dinner again?  Yaaa, I just asked him and he said YES... but he's full of himself!  He said "God I'm good to you!".  Pffffft.

Miss Muppet does not like that wrap at all.  soon as I can I will get her the other one, I'm sure it will be better than the one above.

It's been a quiet evening, just blogging, sewing, watching some TV... usual sort of night.

End of Day: it's been a nice enough day.  Got lots done... which is good.
nite nite.


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