Our youngest is 11 today.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Griffin.... I hope you have a fantastic day.
I have no doubt we will end up going shopping with him today... I've done the same thing for him as what I did for Brylee.  Gift Vouchers.
He has been looking forward to today since Brylee's birthday.  *smiles*

Now:  Phantom... he has done a good deal of crying... missing his litter mates. And No... I did not sleep with him!
We made Coco stay in the room with him overnight.

ABOVE:  he has a smaller area now, as it's only him in there.  It will be lovely to have him out with me during the day... it's going to be so easy to keep and eye on just ONE puppy!

ABOVE:  Tania sent me this picture of Roxy last night... she was EXHAUSTED!  So cute.  

And now... something totally different from Puppies!
I saw this on Facebook the other day... and thought it was awesome, so had to share:

ABOVE:  How freakin awesome does that look?  I am going to try making that for Christmas day...  it would be an amazing dessert to take to a BBQ too.

I am going to start getting myself back into some sort of routine again with Blog Reading too... I know I have been THE WORST blogger ever lately! 
Tomorrow is going to be dedicated to catching up.  And housework.  Housework never sleeps. *sigh*


PINKY:  Of course you can!

5.30 am this morning... Phantom woke up... so did Griffin... so we had them in our room for a while:

 ABOVE:  Phantom playing with my drink bottle...

ABOVE: he loved being in bed with us.  
Coco is HAVING A BALL playing with just one pup!  She's gone mental running around and around in the lounge... Phantom is going to be a very spoilt little puppy until he goes to his forever home!

The guys are watching freakin rugby... so I suppose we shall be going 'birthday present' shopping after that is finished.

ABOVE:  Poppy in her new home... she has had an excellent night... such a relief to me and her new family I am sure!

Peppa's family sent me a gorgeous little video of her playing with their two dogs (both same breed as our pups).  

It is so nice to hear from EVERYONE that their pups have settled into their new homes so well.
It has been an awesome day!  Griffin did his Birthday Shopping, we had lunch at the mall... then Stew and I went and picked up the computer desk from Blockhouse Bay... came home and set up my NEW COMPUTER on it.  I'm happy as a pig in mud!

End of Day:  lots of fun today... shopping, playing with single puppy, playing with new computer... loosing stuff on new computer!  lol
nite nite


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