Stew, Steve and Bex have an early start today... Steve and Bex fly out of Auckland for Invercargill just before 7am this morning... so it's up and out of here at 5.45am for them.

Once Stew is home I have to pick up Keera by 9.15am and take her to visit with her Father and his family.  It will be a long 4.5 hours for me I think.
I'm hoping his family are welcoming towards me... as I am there for Keera, not to give them any grief.

While I'm out with Keera (9.15am - 3.15pm) Stew will be chief cook and bottle washer... looking after Sienna and Bodhi.  I am sure he will cope just fine... he's been 'well trained' *smiles*.

Yesterday, I lay Sienna down for her bottle, and once she had finished it I laid Keera down beside her...

 ABOVE:  Sienna was NOT too sure about having that strange baby beside her...

ABOVE:  OMG, that baby moved!  I am going to scream holy blue murder... help me Grandma!!!

Hee heee... it was sooo funny. 

Bodhi slept till 5.30am.... so I got a decent nights sleep.  Stew has taken Steve and Bex to the airport... I hope things go well for them down in Invercargill.
I will have them on my mind over the next few days...

I'm home.  I'm busting for a piddle and some FOOD..... I'll be back in an hour!

*waves*... I'm back.  So, I needn't have felt any worries about the visit to Wade's sister's home.  They were all very nice, baby was ok most of the time, she did do some screaming... but it was to be expected.  New environment, new people etc.
We arrived on time, but left half an hour early as Wade felt she should leave so she could be fed and have a good sleep.  She wasn't too keen on being fed while there. 

Lacy and Keera have now gone home and Stew has gone to the supermarket... I'm here at home with our two plus Russ and Tess's two babes.  All is going well with them... they are just delightful wee babes.  Miss Sienna is a right hoot!

She calls everyone either MUM, or Dad, or Bodhi!  And she babbles, and babbles... such a gorgeous wee girl.   I want to keep her!   Seriously, she is so cute, so funny, we just LOVE HER so much!
As for Bodhi, I would happily keep him too!  Little laid back man.

I have heard from Russ and Tess... all is well with them... they are planning on jumping out of an airoplane tomorrow!  Rather them than me!  I could NEVER do that! 

I have also heard from Steve and Bex... they arrived safely and are now with Bex's family.  Steve assures me Bex is taking it easy and keeping her feet up as much as possible.  I miss those two already. 

End of Day: well a rather busy day... but it has gone well on many fronts.
nite nite.


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