ABOVE:  Coco's contented little family... and in the front is Bruiser... on his back like usual!
He is such a laid back boy.

ABOVE: Bruiser is getting so big... when he was born I could fit him in the palm of my hand!
Now he's a 'two handful boy'...

ABOVE:  he is such a lovely wee boy ...


ABOVE:  We rearranged the puppies pen last night... to make an area for 'potty' as the pups are starting to pee in their 'bed' now...  so the serious work starts ... Teaching them to go potty on newspaper and not their blanket.

TODAY:  I'm off to Hospice to do my 'regular' shift again.  I'm fickle ... I missed being there!  Here's hoping Mrs Fart-arse is not there!

I have a hanky with perfume sprayed on it nestled in me bra ... I am going to cover me nose with it if/when SHE FARTS... and I think I will be saying something to her too... she cannot carry on being so damn rude, ignorant and offensive. 
If she cannot control her flatulence she should NOT be putting herself in situations where she can offend people.  Well, that's MY opinion anyway.  What do you think?


ABOVE:  woo hooo!  Look what arrived on my doorstep this morning, a parcel of fabric from Cyndi in the U.S.A.!  She had a HUGE giveaway of fabrics... 9 lots in all, and I won lot #9.  Such an incredibly lady to give away so much of her fabric.  She also gave me a sweet notepad and cards/envelopes.  THANK YOU Cyndi, you are a sweetheart.

Guess what I did today?  Heee heee... I found 'Treasure' of course! ...

ABOVE:  two really neat 'leatherette' boxes... I'm sure I can find something to put in them! ...

ABOVE: A really cute Owl Clip thingee...

ABOVE:  finally... a cool Amethyst pin and cute 'feet' earrings!
And I spent less than $20... how awesome is that.

PENNY: no, she never says ANYTHING when she lets off..... yet I know she can smell cos she has commented many times on customers who have BO or reek of cigarette smoke!  I have mentioned it to the boss but there is nothing she can do really.  AND she's too nice to say anything I think. 

Luckily today she did not make any nasty smells... so my hanky stayed in my bra.  Got nice smelling boobs thanks to the perfume, I might

End of Day:  what does 'DRINK' 'DRINK' mean on my thumb?  I take a bottle of Diet Coke to work ... and so often I forget to bring it home again.  So today I wrote on my thumb to try and remind myself to remember it!  Nothing so silly as to drink more WATER... or buy more Tipple either!
I cannot live without my DIET COKE!  Hence the name of my BLOG  eh? 
nite nite.


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