So, Stew and I went to Weight Watchers last night.
He seems to be prepared to give it his all.

Me too.

It was 7 weeks since my last weigh in at Weight Watchers and I gained over 2 kilos!  Not bad considering how much shit I ate at Christmas and New Year!

Still .... it should not have happened.

BUT:  my head is finally in the right place to make the changes necessary to not only lose the weight, but keep it off. 

I am well, so there is not going to be any nasty operations/illness to set me back.  
It is going to be different this time.  I am going to do it right from now on.

I know that this is just WORDS right now.  But I am going to prove it... I just FEEL differently now than in the past.
What I want more than anything else is to regain my fitness and feel good doing normal everyday things again.
And to do that, the weight has to GO.

TODAY:  hmmmm.... might take the kids to a park for a play.  And a walk.  As long as it's not raining.  We have had such a wet summer so far, it's amazing!  And a pain in the butt.  

Oh and Coco is in season again, so she can't leave the property.  Which means, in 6-7 months time she can be a mummy again!  Exciting, counting down....


I've got  a zit on me chin!  For goodness sake, I'm 53... stop with the freaking hormone shit!  And NO, I did not eat friggin chocolate.

Talking of age.... menopause.  I have suffered from hot flushes for about 4 - 5 years now.  Since I started my new diet (about 2 weeks ago?)  NONE.  Not one single hot flush!  Coincidence?  Or just finally outgrown them?  I may never know. 
Or they may come back.  OH HELL I hope they don't!  It's been WONDERFUL not having them. 

Wow I didn't realise I had not been on here all day!  Whoops.   Kids have been in the cool spa pool today as it is NOT RAINING!
I have made 4 meatloaves this afternoon using the food processor.  What a breeze chopping up all the veges now!  
I still have to clean up the mess... but that can wait!  And I'll tell ya this:  the mess is not as bad as I anticipated with using a food processor.  No where near as much as normal.  Big YAAA. 

MAGPIE:  no, the lipsticks have not arrived yet.  *sigh*... but hopefully they will soon.

I checked my page 'traffic' this morning.. and WOW... over 900 page views yesterday?  What's with that?  My 'normal' daily page views is between 600 and 700 at the moment, which is up by about 50 a day.  The only thing I can think of is that lots of people are on holiday and blog hopping?  Anyone else getting more page views at the moment?

The other thing I have been doing today:  moving stuff! I took the PC computer out of Steve's room.
Two reasons:
1/ it cramped his room
2/ we never see him!

I will take a photo of it's new 'home' so there is at least one photo on me blog today!  SOON....

ABOVE:  SEE, now it's in the lounge where the 'extra' tv was ... and now that tv is in Griffin's room where he can play Playstation on it.

ABOVE:  one of the few perks of being 'The Mother'.... ahhhhhh.... lol

Meatloaf for dinner.  I calculated the points.  Very high.  Can't make miserable meatloaf when it's for our kids too eh?
So, dinner was about 25 points, JUST for the meatloaf!  So we just had the meatloaf.  *smiles*

End of Day:  a great day. Productive.  Busy.  
AND ON TRACK.  totally on track.  So happy about that.  Stew is doing it properly too, even counting his points!  And writing it all down.  TRACKING is the key to keeping on top of it and being accountable.  Some forward planning is always good too.
We are going away end of next week for a few days, so I am thinking of how Stew and I can stay on track while travelling. It can be done.
nite nite.


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