When Stew and I were grocery shopping last week,  we found some really good looking sausages and bought them thinking they might be nice?
ABOVE:  these were the sausages.... and after eating them we declared them.....REALLY LOVELY.  Not heavily flavoursome, but still nice. And they come out at 3 pro points each.  
Next time we go shopping I will be looking for more low point sausages.  

TODAY:  well as we didn't go out yesterday, I am sure we will today!
Where to... I'm not sure yet.... I'll come back and tell ya later OK?   lol

Well actually... I'm going out for morning tea to meet a blogger from Papakura (2 suburbs over from me).... hopefully we get on well.  It's always nerve racking meeting someone new.


*HI*!  I'm back from 'morning tea' with PINKY aka Lisa.  We met at 10 am.... and we yakked.  Man can we yak!
We said at 1/4 to 12 that we really MUST go home... and at 12.20 pm we finally did!
It is not that often I meet someone totally new who I can yak to like that!
We got on like a house on fire.
It was lovely and I hope to see her again soon.... and we even discussed getting a couple of other friends to join us... like Lynda and Beastie Girl (aka Natalie)... that would be lovely too.
ABOVE:  meet PINKY.  Lisa to everyone who knows her I'm sure.  She's lovely.  Thanks for agreeing to meet me Chick.  It was the nicest morning I've had in a while. 

OH... and we both had a hot chocolate and NOTHING else.  We being good girls.  We did, however, drool over one couple's lunch right next to us... they felt a bit 'uncomfortable' with us looking longingly at their food I do believe!  lol

so... it is a gorgeous day!  And we did not go out afterall.
Stew wanted to get the lawns mown as it's been so wet he has not done them in a few weeks.  The grass was really long and the flowers were attracting bees on the lawn... Brylee can attest to that!
She got a bee sting yesterday.  Anyone would think she was dying the amount of screaming and crying that went on. 

Also, I sold our kayak on Trademe, and it's being picked up this afternoon, so we have to hang around.  *sigh*

I loved that kayak, but we had only used it ONCE in the two years we had it... so it was pointless keeping it.  And I could use the money (rubbing me hands together gleefully) for SHOPPING!  heee heee. Oh yeah, and paying a bill or two I suppose.  

So... just sitting around waiting... waiting... for the buyers to turn up.  Well, the buyers turned up around 3.30, so once they had left we went out to Maraetai Beach.  The kids and Stew had a swim, but not me.  The tide was out so a bit ikkky... and windy.  Then as we were leaving it rained.  So I'm glad I kept me clothes on!

Home now and Stew is cooking again!  Pork chops, coleslaw and a spud.  Nice.

End of Day:  dinner was lovely, as expected. It was nice to have the potatoe, hadn't had any carbs for a few days.
ON TRACK... still!  I do surprise myself, but then again... when you are totally determined (finally) it is easy to stay on track.
nite nite


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