Because Monday was a public holiday,  this week has been a short one.... which has been nice.
Nice because Friday has come around faster.
I like Fridays!  
I love it when Stew is home on the weekends.

Hopefully tomorrow is going to be fine, cos the beach is calling.

Today: Some housework.  Some stationery shopping for the kids.  Bits n bobs.  

Really boring post today so far.... you better come back later and see is me day got more exciting!

For your entertainment:

 ABOVE:  too funny!

ABOVE:  I like this one too.  

I'm making jam again... Nectarine/Apple/Plum... it's cooking right now. Once it's done I am going out to buy some Strawberries....

*smiles*  ahhh WEBBY:  I sure would notice!  It's about 30 years since I did jam making... and I'm just loving the results!

So I went out to buy strawberries.... but they were going to cost me about $20 for just enough to make 4 jars of jam... and I couldn't justify that ... so I left them there.  I'm not the one who wants strawberry jam afterall!

CLEARLY Anon does not have a sense of humour.  Get a life.

Child Abuse and Underage Sex HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH the picture above. It's a funny picture.  GET OVER IT.
People like you piss me off... give me your name and a contact email .... then I might respect something you have to say.  You hiding behind anonymous comments just makes you look like a troll.

ANYONE with their eyes open now days knows that a vast majority of kids have underage sex ... it's a fact of life.  If you do not know this, you have your head in the sand.  

Now Anon, I am not going to give you the satisfaction of leaving another comment, well you can, but I can choose to not publish it eh?  Yaaaa.  My blog.  I can do what I want on it/with it.  

AMANDA: no, it's not anyone here, it's from someone in (location deleted) Australia.  

(edited out)

ANONYMOUS: you are perfectly safe!  NO one is going to come and 'get you' OK?  Just be aware that no one is truly ANONYMOUS nowdays, and I would NEVER publish identifying information beyond 'general location'.  Chill.

I have been catching flies and little bugs for our frogs... it's so much fun!  NO seriously, it is.  I almost caught a little praying mantis too... but the bugger got away.  Next time.

Dinner tonight:  still thinking on that one...

End of Day:  not happy .... did not expect or want  shit to go down with posting a simple photo which I thought was funny.    
ONCE AGAIN I am in the shit for replying to an anonymous comment.  And I say 'reply' cos that is what I did.  Tit for Tat.  Seems I'm not allowed to do that.
ON TRACK?  yes, but will be having a few drinks tonight, so will probably blow it.
nite nite


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