Yesterday I went on the 'net to find more pictures of Giraffes, these ones appealed to me, so I copied them by hand and made them bigger so I could turn them into applique' patterns:

ABOVE:  Lacy likes these ones... maybe I can do purple and green giraffes?  Hmmm... we will see.

ABOVE:  because I'd bought more feijoas, Steve decided to make feijoa muffins. 
He pulled them out too soon ... so they were a bit ikky... then he put them back in the oven and they came out 'so so'.   No where near as nice as Kelly's Feijoa cake..... sadly. (Sorry Steve!)

Maybe if I get a chance I will make the feijoa cake again... might try using Stevia (sugar substitute) and see how it works/ tastes?

Today, I take Lacy to see the Housing Corporation, to get her on the list for State Housing.  Fingers crossed she will get something eventually.

What else?   Oh ... pick the Dude (Griffin) up and take him to his Speld Lesson.

Lacy is going out in the afternoon with a girlfriend, so I might get a couple of hours to myself?


Time to myself?  Ha what a joke.  I've spent all day running around after other people.
Now I've got Griffin home from his Speld Lesson, and in a little while Brylee will be home too.
THEN I can finally go down to Spotlight and get more fabric for me giraffe's. 

I'm not making green and purple giraffes!  I've decided they are all going to be orange/brown/fawn/yellow/blue... well anything but PURPLE and GREEN! 

Once I've done me giraffes, then I will think about Purple and Green.

We have finally started getting cold evenings and mornings!  Like... I got goose bumps this morning and even thought about putting on a jacket!   Got to love the glorious sunny days still though.
I'm so glad it's not stinking hot still... I was SO OVER summer.

ALZHEIMERS and ME:  nope, I don't think I've got it THANKS.  But then... I forget stuff sometimes.  Is it NORMAL to forget stuff sometimes?  You know what?  I reckon it is. End of story.  

I FINALLY got to Spotlight...

ABOVE:  believe it or not... that blue fabric, bottom left is actually PURPLE!  I'm happy with this selection, added to what I already have it's gunna be fun making giraffes!  I can't wait... might try to do a bit tonight.

End of Day:  managed to do bugger all tonight... except get one Giraffe Wall Hanging started.
ON TRACK: yes!
nite nite.


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