Is knowledge everything?

It's fact isn't it.. that knowing something is good or bad for you doesn't always make a difference. For example.. I know that the chocolate bar that I just ate is relatively high in fat and sugar.. and doesn't provide me with any where near as much goodness as say an apple, but I still ate it.. because I wanted to!

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad..

I like the above quote as it shows that having 'knowledge' isn't always the full picture. Looking at it from a nutritional point of view, most of us know what we should be eating more or less of, but it's putting it into practice that is the hard part. I'm not saying that 'wisdom' is required to be able to put healthy eating into practice, but what I am saying is that knowing what to eat is only the start.. it's then about selecting the right tools for you, and then applying some hard-work and determination to achieve your goals.. whether they are 'becoming healthier', 'losing weight' or both.

So.. maybe this is time to have a look at my previous blog posts to find out if any 'words of wisdom' .. pardon the pun, can help you to put your healthy knowledge into action .. once and for all.. it's all about finding behavioural techniques that work for you and your lifestyle.. it's not a 'one size fits all' kinda world.

If you struggle with over-eating [click here]

If you're after healthy food-shopping tips [click here]

If you want to build an awareness of what you are eating [click here]

If you struggle to keep up with healthy eating on a day-to-day basis [click here]

If you want to start self-monitoring your weight-loss pursuit [click here]

If you want to start making 'simple-swaps' to a healthier diet [click here]

.. and if you're looking for the perfect diet to 'drop 10lb in one week' [click here]

I hope you find this post useful.. I just wanted to highlight all of the different tools on nicsnutrition and reinforce the message that putting knowledge of a healthy diet into action is hard-work, there's no lie.. but it is achievable with the right mind-set and determination.

You can do it.

Nic x


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