Event Recap: Cocktails & Crafts with Janet Lee and The Champagne Diaries

If you weren't able to make it out to The Bookmark Shoppe in Brooklyn this past Thursday, then I feel really, really bad for you. Totally kidding - well, not really. You missed a great event!

Janet Lee, designer and author of "Living in a Nutshell," and I hosted a night called "Cocktails and Crafts." We laughed, we drank, we crafted, and we laughed some more. A whole lot more. It was so amazing to see brand new faces - women that neither Janet nor I knew personally. And after a couple hours of Champagne mojitos, we were acting as if we had known each other for years. A true testament to the fact that Champagne truly brings people together! (Right, Le Grande Courtage?)

So for those of you who missed out on the action, here's how we kicked it off...

Bubbles? Check...

Glasses? Check...

And we wouldn't have Champagne mojitos without all the necessary ingredients...

But it wasn't JUST about the cocktails. We came here to craft! Right, ladies?

This gorgeous accent piece for the home seemed a bit daunting at first glance...

But after a few cocktails,Janet's direction, and a lot of teamwork, anything seemed possible!

The night was a sparkling success, and everyone was loving Janet's new book 

She signed copies well into the evening! (I took notes for the future...tee hee)

Cheers to a great night!

A huge THANK YOU to all the women who came out and celebrated with us. An extra special thanks to The Bookmark Shoppe, who is gracious enough to always open their doors to me and host all of these fabulous events. Thank you to Le Grande Courtage for providing the delicious bubbles that made our Champagne Mojitos possible (click for recipe!) and of course, our bartender Chris who served them up all night! And a huge thank you to Janet Lee of Living in a Nutshell for being such a wonderful co-host and teaching us how we can all add a little glamour to our homes and our lives!


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