Our 'local' Doctor's clinic has about 8 doctors... and I think I've seen all of them over the past 4 years.

I have wanted to stay with just ONE of them... you know... for continuity of care.  But it just never seemed to happen.  But now... I am going to stick to my guns and stay with just the one... if she's not on duty... I will wait.

She's just lovely.  She's married to one of the other doctor's in our clinic... they have 4 kids ... and I feel really comfortable with her.

At my visit yesterday I think she was more concerned about my 'mental' health than the diabetes!
We had a good yak, and the upshot is ... I am seeing one of their 'specialist' Doctors there, for a while anyway... to deal with depression.

It rears it's ugly head now and then... and my Doctor wants to try and find ways to help me deal with it in conjunction with medication.

The medication I take to help with the hot flushes is also an anti depressant... so one pill works for two things for me! Score.  But I hate having to take them.

I started with one pill at night.. now it's up to 3! Sheesh... I hope my freaking hormones settle down soon... and my life settles down too!  

9 days until Miss Muppet is due.  The days are going to drag ... especially for Lacy!  She's been trying a few old fashioned ways to bring on labour... like brisk walking and Raspberry Leaf tea.  Wonder if any will 'do it'?  lol

BLONDIE:  if the kids are excited by the prospect of a little sister arriving soon they are hiding it pretty well!  lol

It's freezing here today, we even had a frost!  AND we have no water pressure, my washing machine is still filling up ... Stew turned it on 20 minutes ago!  Hope pressure comes back soon cos we've got heaps of washing to do.

I feel the urge to go out somewhere new... but damned if I can think of anywhere new... we have explored our city pretty well already.  

Well.. we are still home... we cannot think of what to do today!  So... we are watching new neighbours move in across the road instead.  I'm sure we will go out at some point?

We ended up having lunch in Henderson Mall... then we took up Lynda's suggestion and headed over to MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology) but the queues were horrendous, so we didn't even get out of the car.
On our way home we stopped in at Harvey Norman's to look at headboards... I wouldn't mind a new one for our new bed when it arrives.

I didn't exactly find a headboard... I fell in love with an entire suite:

ABOVE:  to die for!  That dresser is $2,000 on it's own...

ABOVE: sadly they don't sell a seperate Headboard in this suite.... 

ABOVE:  how dinky is this chest?  It has a sliding door .... I love it so much!  How much?  $2,000 just for that one piece.

Maybe in a couple of years I can get it, if it's still around!

Home now, and I'm going to have a spa to wind down.  For some reason the kids voices are driving me NUTS today.

38.5 degrees C... and all to myself.  Bliss... nothing like a spa to relax yourself.

End of Day:  a nice day... struggling to stay awake most of the evening!  Must have been the spa!
nite nite.


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