Here is me 'ORIGINAL' RANT:

Yesterday I went to my first ever Farmer's Loyalty Card Holders Sale ... The pram Bex wanted was on sale for 40% off... so I got in a queue and waited and waited ... there were exactly 5 people in front of me when I joined the queue.  AN HOUR LATER... I got to the front of the queue... and asked for the pram.  They had 4 out in the store room... so I had to stand there and WAIT another 15 minutes while the sales lady went and found it!  Meanwhile... people behind me were getting just as crabby as me!

FARMERS:  next time you have a bloody sale... GET MORE STAFF to handle the customers!!!
It was damn ridiculous how long I and everyone else had to wait!!!  I am never going to a Farmers sale again.

I am not the most patient person at the best of times... I was right FUMING by the time I left.  Actually... I was that mad I wanted to scream at someone... but it wasn't the sales staff's fault... so I can home and fed wee Phantom and had a few lovely cuddles with him.

WILL I OR WON'T I SAY THIS?  I am really cross that I feel the NEED to do this...  SECOND RANT ADDED ON:
I am who I am.  I am not perfect.  I do not INVITE controversy on my blog.  I do not use thinly veiled criticism to point out other people's 'faults'... If I have something to say... I BLOODY WELL SAY IT. 

Lynda: if you are so insecure in what you have written on your blog, and you THINK I might take it that you were talking about me ... don't damn well EMAIL me to say you were NOT talking about ME! WTF?

I don't read your blog anymore, and have not for weeks.   
I will leave this topic now.  I don't need or want this sort of crap.

******EDIT:  It has come to my attention that you have done some hasty editing and deletion  of parts of your post yesterday.  
Well done Lynda... once again you have tried to make it look like I and several other people are going on about nothing. That is rather .... ummmm... a bitch thing to do.  AND OMG I could say so much more about your crap attitude, but I simply do not have the time.*****


TODAY?  Lacy and I have a meeting with her Lawyer in town.  That could be interesting.  Her court date Re: Custody and Access of Keera is coming up fairly soon... we need to be prepared.   I am going today at the Lawyers request... hmmmm.  I hope I can remember everything I want to ask her.  Might just take me trusty little voice recorder too... then I won't forget anything she says either?

I will be back around lunchtime...


Well... things are ticking along nicely with Lacy's Lawyer... we have some affidavits to sign next week.. then we will be ready for the court hearing.
It is amazing that Wade can have sworn affidavits saying some complete and utter lies!!!  How does he think he can get away with that??? *shaking me head*
It is NOT going to look good in court when his lies are found out, that's for sure.

While I was out... I was worried about wee Phantom... he really does not like being cooped up for long... so of course the very first thing I did when I got home was let him outside for a run around.
Did he do that?

 ABOVE:  nah, he found a discarded flower and ran with it... while Coco and Teddy watched... Like Lord and Lady Muck!

ABOVE: ... and then he lay down and chewed it up.  In the sun. I bet he moves soon, it's really hot outside today.

On my way home with Lacy and Keera we stopped in at Sylvia Park and I bought some summer sneakers ... been needing some for ages. I'd show you, but seriously... they are just SNEAKERS!  lol

Not sure what else I will get up to today... probably bugger all actually.  I didn't sleep that well last night, stressing a bit about the meeting with the Lawyer today.  Silly me... it was a doodle... she was lovely.

Lacy: Nothing was said to or about me PERSONALLY.... but the implied criticism on her NOW DELETED post (well... certain parts of it) yesterday could have annoyed MANY people, not just me.
It's the same old story with Lynda.

Write it on your blog. 
Wait for the reaction.
Then DELETE it.... AND then cry FOUL ... POOR ME ... I DON'T KNOW WHY CHRIS'S READERS HATE ME SO MUCH....It wasn't ABOUT YOU CHRIS... and so on.  If it wasn't about me Lynda, why the hell did you feel the need to email me and tell me it wasn't about me???  I'm not so dumb as to believe you any more.
At the end of the day, you can say whatever the hell you want on your own blog... I do!
But when you are using thinly veiled words to CRITICISE other people... it is not nice.



And NO. I am not jealous of you Lynda... I give you massive kudos for losing the weight and keeping it off.  And you have given lots of people good advice through your blog... but when it comes to your way of giving advice and/or critiscism to people who chose not to follow 'your diet'... YOU SUCK.

And with a very deep breath... I now hit ' Update'... and plan to NEVER go here again.  It's over.  And I will let you decide what is 'over'... no prizes for guessing.

I am going to blog on with my head held high.  I may be overweight, suffer from diabetes and god knows what else... but I am just ME.  Take me as I am ... or piss off.

I now feel slightly contrite. Lynda sent me a polite email.  I sent her one back.  I think we do 'get' where each is coming from ... kinda.  I am not saying we are ever going to be bosom buddies... but we can be polite... and move on from here.

I need a drink now.  Seriously, this sort of stuff makes me feel ill, and twitchy... like something in not RIGHT with me.  Maybe it's my conscience stabbing me for being nasty!  I am not usually a nasty person, and my horrible rant about Lynda has made me feel like a nasty person.  Better go hunt out something to drink when the men get home....

LYN/ANON:  this is an easy one to answer.  I don't go around slagging off at people who I consider are not following my advice/diet/lifestyle etc.  And nope, I am not going to publish your comment.  Cos I don't have to.  This 'topic of conversation' is OVER.  And I will not be answering any more questions.

End of Day:  all things considered... it's ain't been that bad.  Lawyer visit went well.  Got new shoes.  My family is happy.  Looking forward to a lovely weekend.
nite nite


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