The Veganista Diaries: Welcome!

Hello ladies! I have decided to roll all my plant-based, vegan posts under the umbrella of The Veganista Diaries. I'm not sure how often I'll be blogging about my journey into vegan eating, but I feel compelled to share my experiences with you all. Like I mentioned a few days ago, this isn't my first rodeo. I tried a plant-based diet a few months back, and I loved the results. I felt energized and I lost weight. But I didn't feel like I was truly gung-ho about it. There was more room to grow, more things to learn. So I'm back, and I am committed to this lifestyle.

Few things: I am not a "true" vegan in most people's eyes. I still wear leather. My makeup probably has weird animal products in it. These are baby steps, and this is my journey. I'm doing the best I can at becoming as educated I can about my health and well-being, and it will be an evolution. If I'm one thing, I'm honest -- so no bullshit here. I'm not trying to preach or convert anyone. I'm simply sharing my journey.

So for those of you who have been asking, here's what I've been eating:

  • Lots of fresh veggies
  • Whole grains (mostly sprouted, organic)
  • Fresh fruit, often in juices with no added sugar 
  • That's all, folks!

It's a beautiful thing to know that everything you are putting in your body has either been prepared by you, or someone else. Not an assembly line; not a machine. I have completely eliminated processed foods (that even goes for my beloved Amy's organic meals, for now at least). My rule of thumb is "the less ingredients the better." If I'm eating something packaged, it must be certified vegan and GMO-free.

Now before go rolling your eyes and thinking I'm looney tunes, hear me out: this stuff is not hard to find. If you are lucky enough to live in a big city, then you can find this stuff everywhere. And if you don't, you can order it online. There really should be no excuses. And it's only as expensive as you let it be. You can go nuts and buy fresh organic everything, or you can be more conservative and buy in season (which is always cheaper). And rice and beans are dirt cheap. So I don't wanna hear it! Plus, giving up your sugary, creamy Starbucks every day will definitely save you a couple of bucks.

A few other things to note: I have not given up my beloved wine and champagne. This is The Champagne Diet, remember? We're not about deprivation round here! I am researching vegan options, but for now, I'm still enjoying what I want. I usually have 1 or 2 glasses per night, a few nights a week. I never drink liquor, so I haven't done much research on that end, but the information is available to you online.

The biggest thing for me that truly  made this all click is the fact that I am now truly eating for my health. The weight loss end is great, but I have been knee-deep in research and studies surrounding all the shit I was putting in my body and I'm honestly  horrified. This lifestyle is not a punishment, it's the biggest reward I can give myself. Giving up those fatty cheeses is not to torture me anymore, it's necessary. 

So, you're probably all wondering if I've lost weight yet? The answer is YES! 4 pounds so far. And I've popped out of bed without an alarm every morning. I've been in a great mood and have tons of energy (yet I'm surprisingly zen, if that makes sense?) I'm going to use the rest of the entries to post what I've been eating, including photos of my food, and how I'm doing in terms of weight-loss and feelings. In fact, feelings are what matter to me most right now. 

In the meantime, feel free to follow me on Pinterest where I'm pinning articles, recipes, and food photos like a mad woman.



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