5,000 followers on twitter *giveaway* with Holland & Barrett

If you didn't already know, last Monday I hit 5,000 twitter followers (yay!), and to celebrate the lovely people at Holland and Barrett (a UK health store) have allowed me to giveaway a selection of my favourite healthy food products (to bake with, snack on or just enjoy as you wish!).

The prizes include all of the above..

Cocoa Nibs (raw chocolate perfect for my chocolate protein brownies)
Total Sweet (healthy alternative to sugar & used in my healthy pumpkin muffins recipe)
Stevia (natural sweetener as featured in my breakfast cookie recipe)
Tiana Coconut Flour (I haven't used this yet!)
Dried Apple Rings (the perfect snack..click here for more snack ideas!).
To enter all you have to do is tweet
" I've entered @nicsnutrition @holland_barrett #nics5000HBgiveaway "
and be a follower of both myself @nicsnutrition and Holland & Barrett @holland_barrett - it's as easy as that!!
You still have a week to enter, until H&B pick the lucky winner.. Good luck!
Nic x


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