5,000 followers on twitter *giveaway* with Holland & Barrett

If you didn't already know, last Monday I hit 5,000 twitter followers (yay!), and to celebrate the lovely people at Holland and Barrett (a UK health store) have allowed me to giveaway a selection of my favourite healthy food products (to bake with, snack on or just enjoy as you wish!).

The prizes include all of the above..

Cocoa Nibs (raw chocolate perfect for my chocolate protein brownies)
Total Sweet (healthy alternative to sugar & used in my healthy pumpkin muffins recipe)
Stevia (natural sweetener as featured in my breakfast cookie recipe)
Tiana Coconut Flour (I haven't used this yet!)
Dried Apple Rings (the perfect snack..click here for more snack ideas!).
To enter all you have to do is tweet
" I've entered @nicsnutrition @holland_barrett #nics5000HBgiveaway "
and be a follower of both myself @nicsnutrition and Holland & Barrett @holland_barrett - it's as easy as that!!
You still have a week to enter, until H&B pick the lucky winner.. Good luck!
Nic x

My Case for Plant-Based: First 30 Days Following a Plant-Based Diet!

image via Mind Body Green

I can't believe it's already been 30 days since I adopted a plant-based vegan diet. If someone had told me a few months ago that I could -- and would -- go 30 days without touching cheese, I probably would have told you that you were bat shit crazy. But here I am, healthier and happier than ever and more importantly, so very proud of my will power.

Let me paint the picture of my former self to you for a moment: I really did think I was a very healthy eater. And I guess to some degree I was, but again, it's all relative. I was never pigging out (okay, well sometimes), but for the most part I really did treat my body with respect. I rarely ate processed foods, never touched a refined carb, did not even dream of drinking diet soda, and I made sure that veggies were always the star of the show. I rarely ate meat, and if I did it's because I forced myself. I thought I needed it for protein. I did, however, indulge in creamer and half & half in my coffee regularly, and I was not ashamed to nibble on a block of Manchego and a few glasses of wine for dinner. Yes. Cheese. For. Dinner. It happened more than I'd like to admit. Come to think of it, cheese was always present at lunch too, and I occasionally snacked on it as well. 

So when I decided to go plant-based, I was a little nervous, but I was ready. I knew I needed a bit of an intervention in the cheese department, and I also wanted a way to shake these 10-15 lbs that seemed to be glued to my body. Morning after morning, I'd get on the scale, frustrated and wondering why I couldn't lose weight. I guess my mind had a funny way of blocking out all the excess calories and fat I had been sneaking in. On top of it all, my skin looked like shit, but I blamed it on anything else I could think of; the weather, my moisturizer, my makeup, etc. Never did I once truly examine all the foods I was putting in my body and even think beyond calorie count. Healthy eating never really went beyond vanity for me -- until now.

Without getting into all the details of why I decided to go plant-based (notice I'm saying plant-based? I have found a lot of judgement around the word "vegan" especially since I still wear leather, etc. so rather than deal with that, I will start to use plant-based for the most part when describing my lifestyle), in short: I felt it was healthier for me. I did lots of my own personal research, and ultimately this is the choice I made for myself. I'm not here to convince you of all the reasons you should do it too. I will never be that person. I'm just here to share my experiences.

So what are a few things that I've noticed?

  • My energy level immediately went through the roof. I felt oddly zen, yet energized, if that makes any sense at all.
  • I felt extremely clear-headed as early as Day 2. I still feel this way. It feels almost as though a fog has lifted. 
  • I've lost around 5-6 pounds. I truly expected to lose more, but I have to remember that I'm 32 and I've been yo-yo dieting for the past 20 years. Yes, 20 years. I went on my first diet at 11 years old, so my metabolism isn't exactly in tip top condition. But I'm patient and ultimately the way I feel outweighs any number on the scale.
  • My skin looks amazing. No amount of highlighter or shimmer powder can achieve this glow!
  • My stomach felt much flatter within the first couple of days. I feel like I've lost a layer of bloat.
  • I don't feel overly full or bloated after eating. Instead, I feel satisfied and energized.
  • Everything I put on looks better. I'm sure this has to do with the 5 pounds, but it almost looks as though I've lost more weight than that. I feel more toned and less puffy.
  • The past week or so I have felt really tired, so I started taking a B12 sublingual supplement (the kind you dissolve under your tongue) and this has helped a lot. 
  • I haven't given up the wine, but I have cut back a lot. I'm just not craving it (weird, I know).
  • I have gotten extremely creative with cooking. I'm experimenting with new vegetables, and eating lots of "non-breakfast foods" at breakfast (ex: brown rice with hummus and chick pea salad).
  • I don't miss cheese.
  • I swapped in my creamers/half & half for vanilla or hazelnut coconut milk creamer. It's delicious.
  • I feel empowered, awakened, and enlightened. I cannot believe I allowed myself to stay in the dark for so long and never questioned what I was truly putting in my body. 
  • This was not hard, at all. Not even a little bit.

So, all in all, I'm feeling amazing and I know this is a permanent lifestyle change for me. Will I never break down and have a slice of pizza? I'd be lying to us both if I said that. I'm human. But I really do not miss the foods I've eliminated. The thought of eating cheese, drinking milk, or touching a piece of meat genuinely freaks me out.

I'm happy to chat with anyone who has more questions or could use a little inspiration to get started on the same track. Again -- no judgement, but I really do want everyone to feel as good as I do!

Cheers to everyone who has supported me and shared their personal stories, tips and recipes!


The builders are supposed to arrive around lunchtime today.  I really hope they can do the repairs fast... because if they can't get it all done today, they will have to come back on the 12th, which will just drag it out for another week.

I hate distruptions in my house.  This is doing me head in... but at least I am managing to hold my frustrations in.

I am one of the most impatient people I KNOW! I want it done YESTERDAY!

When I know I have to wait, it just makes me anxious... because I don't know exactly what the builders have to do, and if I have to take everything out of the kitchen cupboards?  Cover everything from dust?  Bla bla bla.  See... already doing me head in.

I think I have a touch of OCD sometimes.  

Sheesh, I don't even have a photo to start the day with!  Outrageous!

So instead I give you the number 25.  25 Days of following our OFL plan.  25 days of being spot on with everything.  25 days of feeling bloody proud of myself

Yes, I got bored hence all the colours. I will come back later with some photos of hunky builders... I hope!  There has to be some positives eh?   *smiles*


TRACY:  as the builders will be here today, I will find out all the finer details today I suppose.
My biggest concern is how much dust there might be when they do the back garage wall... because we have a lot of stuff/equipment in the garage.

So far, today has not gone to plan for me.  I felt really ill when I was making the lunches so had to go back to bed for a while.  I've got a cracking headache and my tummy is doing flip flops.  

You know when you put on a top that is just that wee bit too tight and it pulls across your back?  Well today I put on a top that was way too tight last time I tried to wear it.... and today?  IT FITS again!   Shit that's such a neat feeling!!!

I brought Lacy and Keera over for the day... Lacy has done some housework for me, and so has Bex.  Now we just have to wait for the builder to arrive....

Anti climax ... the builder arrived, mucked around with kick boards in the kitchen... then left!  Seems it's only the kick boards that need to be replaced.  And he has to get them ordered and made... so who knows how long that will take!
I cannot BELIEVE the building company didn't order the new kick boards WEEKS AGO,  when they knew they would have to be replaced!   Freaking useless.

I didn't even bother to take a photo... it wasn't worth it!

Now I am like... CRABBY.  Annoyed.  Frustrated.  

The flooring man is calling in shortly to drop off materials and 'scope' the job.  *sigh*  Don't tell me they don't know what the hell they are doing either.  Surely not?

Super food Sunday: Maca

Okay...what is this stuff. You're seeing it on the shelves at Whole Foods, you're seeing it in bins at the health food stores, and now you're hearing it's an aphrodisiac. What is the deal with Maca root? Lepidium meyenii, known commonly as maca, is part the crucifer (think broccoli) family native to Andes. It's been used for centuries as a root vegetable and a medicinal herb, and what your'e probably seeing out and about is the root powder - just ground straight from the root veggie itself. Some facts: in Peru people use it to make cakes, bread, porridge, beer (chicha maca - I've had it - it's wild) and even salads from the leaves. A real showboat this plant.

In small scale clinical trials it's been found to boost libido and even to alleviate anti-depressant induced sexual disfunction. That's pretty huge since those are pretty popular drugs these days. Other trials have shown that maca has favorable effects on energy and mood, may decrease anxiety and improve sexual desire. What else you ask? Okay I'll tell you: it's rich in amino acids (protein building blocks), phytonutrients, healthy fatty-acids, vitamins and minerals. It supports neurotransmitter production. And Katie and my favorite attribute? It's a powerful natural adaptogen. Whats that? Well, essentially it helps balance endocrine health by supporting the adrenal and thyroid glands to produce hormones determined by YOUR unique body. Under producing? Maca can balance. Over producing? Maca can balance. What's this mean for you? Regulating metabolism, increasing energy levels and often times overall sense of well-being. It's often called the Peruvian ginseng since ginseng is known to do the similar miracle work. 

How do Katie and I use it? Well with our 'wired and tired' clients we find it pretty darn helpful to throw a tablespoon in their smoothie each morning. We've seen lots of people come back with improved energy and balanced hormones. In fact...we use it practically everyday in our smoothie creations. Additionally, and equally important, it's fun to say maca.


I have no intention of doing bugger all today!
I am going to prepare a few meals in advance, so if our kitchen is out of bounds at any point over the coming week, we can still eat!

I'm thinking of making a huge meatloaf or two, and a couple of nice beef stews that can be frozen and brought out as we need them.

THANK YOU PAULA for the excellent idea!

Once I have got that done I will then go downstairs and work on the three bags I got started last night.
It took ages to cut out all the bags pieces... and pin up the parts that need quilting...

ABOVE:  see... three all ready to go!
The picture quality sucks because I'm having to use an crap camera card.  My good card is full... so I need to get it copied off to a disc asap.

So... that's the plan for today.... and bugger it... I just remembered we have to do the grocery shopping too.  Well, at least I will have all the necessary ingredients for the stews and meatloaf I suppose.   Have to find a positive in going grocery shopping if possible eh?


Apparently it's raining in Hamilton!  Now we just have to hope it's coming our way too!
We all stayed in bed till well after 9am today... bliss.

After the kids and Stew have had their breakfast we will go and do the shopping.
Online shopping?  Well I did think about it once or twice, but haven't done it yet.  I'm not sure the supermarket where we shop would deliver to our place... we are a bit of a distance from them.

It's RAINING !!!!  Real heavy rain... we needed this so badly.  I hope it gets up north where it is desperately needed.  

The rain... lasted about half an hour.  Now... we have sunshine and steam.  Humidity is high again.

Grocery shopping is done... and all put away... except the meat.
When Steve gets home (in an hour or so), the men will move the big double fridge/freezer into the lounge in readiness for the big 'fix it' this week.

Stew cooked an amazing dinner tonight!  Roast leg of lamb, roast potatoes and onions, peas, broccoli and cauliflower in a cheese sauce and gravy.  OMG it was so good.

My turn tomorrow... will be hard to top that dinner.  
Tomorrow.  *sigh*  Not sure what to expect as the builders will only be here for a few hours after lunch.  Probably not much will get done.

End of Day:  There's some changes coming in this house, and I don't mean the repairs.  It will be a waiting game... but it will be a significant change when it does happen.  I'm not 100% happy about it, but it does have it's good points I suppose.
nite nite.

Prescribe Nutrition is Spring cleaning

March 1st...wow. It feels like just yesterday we were launching the first New Year | New Rules program, and now suddenly Spring is on the horizon. It's funny how every passing year we seem surprised how fast time is going, as if it's speeding up, but we all know it's not. There's not much we can do about it, except of course, slow down, take care of ourselves and love every passing minute.

We decided March will be the month we kick our blog into high gear. Why? We're getting amazing feedback from everyone doing our program, reading our newsletter or simply following us on Facebook. As it turns out people are hungry for knowledge on how to feed both body and mind for the long haul. So that's what we want to give you on a daily basis - tips on living an optimally balanced life while living in the world you live in, because like we always say, life is not a diet.

March is going to be all about Spring Cleaning at Prescribe Nutrition. Out with the old and in with the new. We'll be going over everything from cleansing superfoods to meditation to dealing with Spring allergies. Who's in charge? Katie Jasper of Katie Jasper Health - mastermind of nutrition - with a specialty focus on brain & hormone health. Megan Morris of The Root of Health - sensei of nutrition - with a specialty focus on digestion and food allergies. Finally our beloved Anne Decker - mother of 2 brings us love on many levels.  There aren't many ways to describe how we feel about her.  She's smart, funny, organized, thinks BIG and might we say, damn beautiful - inside and out.

We'll keep you up to date on what's happening at Prescribe Nutrition. Right now we're pretty darn excited about Eating Well asking us to run our New Year | New Rules  program for a THIRD time (!) and our next program: Get Balanced, which dives deep into the root cause of fatigue, excess weight and balancing your stress hormones. What are your stress hormones? Exactly.

Stay tuned and please let us know what YOU want to hear. We love feedback, comments and requests. Our dream is to make Prescribe Nutrition a hub for interactive wellness. Just getting folks saturated with knowledge. Love it.

Let's rock a healthy & happy world TOGETHER,

Megan & Katie


I think I'm going to call this weekend 'The Calm Before The Storm'.


Because on Monday the builders arrive to start work on the kitchen repair... and I really don't know exactly what they will be doing!  I think the cupboard uprights have to be replaced.   And the corrugated metal thingee along the outside of the kitchen bench has to be ripped off to see what water damage has been done behind it.  Apart from that, I've no idea!

And then on Wednesday and Thursday the flooring is being ripped up and replaced.

So... this weekend better be nice and quiet, cos it is going to be bedlam next week!

Steve, Bex and Dante are off to Hamilton this weekend... visiting with some of Bex's family.
It will be nice for them to get out and enjoy being their own little family for a couple of days.

While they are away, Stew, the kids and I will probably have a very pleasant weekend too.

I have plans to make a 4-5 section screen for in the garage.

ABOVE:  something like this.  The beauty of mine will be that I can change the fabric when I get bored with it!  I'm quite excited at the prospect of making it because it is for a special area in the garage.

More on that another day... say in two weeks or so.

So today will be about getting up to date with the housework, washing etc, then moving on to do some sewing and perhaps getting the materials necessary for making the screen.

Yaaa... I love projects.


ABOVE: this kid makes me smile... this was his face when the flash went on my camera... so cute.

ABOVE:  I'm gunna miss him while he's in Hamilton.

Well... I've almost got three bags cut out and ready to go.  
We went out and priced the wood, hinges, etc for making the screen, and picked up a few groceries.

I'll probably go and get the wood etc tomorrow.  For now... I'm going to go have a quiet hour or so before getting back to the sewing.

End of Day:  well I got a good amount of 'sewing' done tonight... even if it wasn't actually sewing!  I finished cutting out three CUTE BAGS ... two are on order and the third is a spare... someone will want it one day!
nite nite