My niece sent me these the other day:

ABOVE: if I wasn't such a NICE person, I could say that to quite a few people I have met and/or know!

ABOVE: and yep, I say that to myself most days I am trying to squeeze into me bra....

ABOVE: well... I just LIKED this one too! Can't think who I'd say it to!

HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY Christina (my niece in Australia), I hope you have a bloody neat day! There is a card on it's way! You just had to know that eh? lol

Today: yep, just another normal day here. No plans. Might go out to the shops.... or the library... just loved that book I read the other day by Tess Gerritsen, hoping to find more at the local library. I will have time to read it as I'm not sewing eh? Grrrrrrr.

ABOVE: I am still moving the furniture! Just can't get it right. Drives me batty.
Coco has been locked out... I am totally over her going straight into the lounge and squatting and doing a huge piddle on me carpet! It's like... she KNOWS where she should go by now! Grrrrrrr....

Yes, I'm crabby today... I just rang the sewing machine shop to find out what was happening. I was told the 'Boss Man' knew what the problem was with my machine and can fix it.... so sounds like they are NOT going to replace it. I give up! Hands in the air... meanwhile... I HAVE NO MACHINE. Really, what can I do? I keep asking them to replace it? They won't!

I've been out... I went to Citizen's Advice to ask what I can do about the Sewing Machine people not replacing that shit machine. I have to write them a letter detailing all the problems I've had with it, how often it's been back... yadda, yadda, and give them a time frame to replace or refund before I take the next step.

So that is what I have done... AGAIN I might add! Let's wait and see what happens now eh?

ABOVE: I agree Debbie! So here is the latest furniture shuffle! I know we have too much furniture in this room, but I refuse to sell off any more of my furniture! I NEED IT!

It's now lunchtime ... finding some food RIGHT NOW....

Had lunch, just bathed Coco... cos she smelt all 'doggy'.... and YES, I know she's a dog... but she doesn't have to smell like a wet one! Ikkk. It was a battle I might add.... and as for brushing her afterwards... FORGET it! She was having none of it! I have put her in the laundry to repent her sins for now. I need a rest!

End of Day: roast chicken for dinner... was yum too. Going to have a quiet evening I hope. Don't need ANYTHING else to happen to make me cross... I am cross enough THANK YOU VERY MUCH. (tell you why tomorrow, and yes, there is another reason besides the s/machine!) nite nite.


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