High Protein Banana & Rhubarb Loaf

Protein powders (or shakes) are often used by individuals who are trying to 'bulk up'. Protein powders can have a role in helping people to increase their muscle mass (however aren't essential) and, when taken at the right time (i.e. before or after a resistance work-out), can help gym go-ers achieve their required daily intake of protein (which can be as high as 1.7g of protein/Kg body weight - which is much higher than what is recommended for the general population: 0.8-1g/Kg body weight). If you're interested in knowing more about protein then [click here] to see my Protein Videos - I discuss the top food sources as well as the pros and cons of protein shakes.

Protein Shakes can be useful for Strength-Trainers, however are not essential!

I have a massive tub of protein powder in my cupboards (not mine...) which is not being used (you know how these 'strength trainers' go through phases..) which prompted me to start searching for recipes to use it up. So, if you have some protein powder that needs using up (or you could use skimmed milk powder instead), then read on! - and by the way, you DON'T have to like rhubarb to like this!! - and also, you will NOT gain muscle just by eating this loaf.. gaining muscle requires lifting weights (check out The Lean Machines on YouTube or Twitter for exercise examples & fitness advice - these boys know what they're talking about!).

Protein Loaf - delicious!
SO, to make this delicious low fat, high protein banana and rhubarb loaf (like a cake and bread combined) you will need:

120g ground oats
3 scoops protein powder (or you could use skimmed milk powder from the supermarket)
2 tsp bicarbonate of soda/baking soda (not pictured)
2 tsp cinnamon, 2 tsp ginger
2 eggs, 2 ripe bananas
250g (drained) syrup canned rhubarb (can use stewed fresh)
Sweetener to taste (e.g. Splenda, Stevia or Supermarket Own brand)
Handful of walnuts (optional) - this will up the 'good fat' content!

And here's what to do:

First, pre-heat your oven to 175 degrees C

1) Beat the eggs and mash in the bananas

2) Add in the ground oats, protein/skimmed milk powder, baking soda, cinnamon and ginger

Top: Rhubarb Right: Protein Powder/Spices Left: Ground Oats/ Baking Soda
Underneath: Bananas & Eggs!
3) Mix! & add in the walnuts (optional)

4) Sweeten the mixture with sweetener to your desire..


5) Pour the mixture into a heat-proof baking dish/loaf tins (I lined mine with baking paper first to stop the loaf from sticking to the sides)

6) & then bake for 40-45 minutes

7) Allow to cool and then slice into 16 pieces

*half it & half it again x2 vertically, then cut down the middle horizontally*

8) Enjoy! I served mine with Nutella for a sweeter treat and quark for a creamy (fat-free) treat.. yum yum!


The loaf can be enjoyed as a tasty part to your lunch or as a snack between meals (my preferred option) - It is low GI (glycaemic index) and with added protein it helps to boost satiety (fullness) too!

Let me know if you try this protein loaf and what you decide to serve it with!

Nutrition Per 50g Piece (inc. walnuts): 88kcal, 5g Protein, 9g Carbs, 2.5g Fat

Nutritional Benefits: Low calorie, high protein, soluble fibre, low GI

For more great tasting, low calorie recipes click [here]

Nic x

P.S. If you want to keep your loaf pieces for later simply store in an air-tight container or cover! 

*Nutritional information provided by Firecracker


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